What is modification in Kennedy classification?

What is modification in Kennedy classification?

Modifications. This refers to multiple edentulous areas present in a case. Modifications can only apply to Kennedy Classes I, II and III. This is because a Kennedy Class IV case with modifications would fall in to one of the other classifications, as these take priorities.

Which Kennedy classification has no modification?

RULE 8: There can be no modification areas in Class IV arches. (Another edentulous area lying posterior to the “single bilateral area crossing the midline” would instead determine the classification).

What is a modification space?

A space modification is a project that requires change to an existing room(s) to provide a better function for the end user. Projects that are over $35,000 and do not impact major building systems are considered Minor Capital Projects.

What determines the basic classification of edentulous arches?

The most posterior edentulous space determines the class of the arch for Classes I through IV. The length of the edentulous space, i.e. the number of missing teeth or the number of prosthetic teeth to be used on the denture, is not considered in the classification.

Why is there no modification in Kennedy classification IV?

Rule 8: There can be no modification areas in class IV arches. Because any edentulous area lying posterior to the single bilateral area determines the classification.

What does MOD mean in dentistry?

Therefore, a multi-surface filling is one that covers two or more of the above surfaces. For example a MOD filling is a filling that covers the mesial (M), occlusal (O) and distal (D) surfaces of the tooth. The price of a filling generally increases with the addition of each surface.

What is Kennedy classification?

Kennedy (1883–1952), American dentist] A method of describing partially edentulous arches or partial dentures based on the location of the edentulous areas within the arch. Kennedy Denture Classification. The Kennedy classification of dental arches.

What is the Kennedy classification?

Kennedy (1883–1952), American dentist] A method of describing partially edentulous arches or partial dentures based on the location of the edentulous areas within the arch.

What does it mean when Dentist Says 2?

2 means there is some hardened dead plaque attached to your teeth, which some gentle cleaning and a little oral health education can help with.

How do you use Kennedy classification?

Missing teeth in the most posterior area determines the classification. An edentulous area should be classified as Kennedy Class I first, before moving on to classify as Kennedy Class II. An edentulous area should be classified as Kennedy Class II first, before moving on to classify as Kennedy Class III.

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