What are the options in the Maven command line?

What are the options in the Maven command line?

The following options control how Maven reacts to a build failure in the middle of a multi-module project build: The -fn and -fae options are useful options for multi-module builds that are running within a continuous integration tool like Hudson.

What is the remote repository command in Maven?

The remote repository should be configured properly in the project pom.xml file distributionManagement tag. The server entries in the maven settings.xml file is used to provide authentication details. This command validates the maven project that everything is correct and all the necessary information is available.

How can I see the version of Maven?

To display Maven version information, use one of the following options on the command line: Both of these options produce the same version information output, but the -v option will terminate the Maven process after printing out the version.

How to define a property in Maven plugin?

To define a property use the following option on the command line: This is the option most frequently used to customized the behavior of Maven plugins. Some examples of using the -D command line argument: Properties defined on the command line are also available as properties to be used in a Maven POM or Maven Plugin.

How to pass proxy parameters in Maven command?

Passing proxy parameters via command line Just add the appropriate proxy properties when executing Maven command. You can avoid above single Maven command with proxy parameters by creating a global config for Maven, that will be applied for all Maven commands.

What do I need to start a Maven project?

You need somewhere for your project to reside. Create a directory somewhere and start a shell in that directory. On your command line, execute the following Maven goal: If you have just installed Maven, it may take a while on the first run.

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