What does LLSV mean?

What does LLSV mean?


Acronym Definition
LLSV Liquid Line Solenoid Valve
LLSV Lunar Logistics System Vehicle

What is a liquid line solenoid valve?

A liquid line solenoid is just a valve that opens and closes; it has a magnetic coil. Depending on whether the valve is normally open or normally closed, it opens or closes when the coil is energized. The goal is to get all the liquid pumped into the condenser, not pump down to zero.

What does the LRV mean on a paint color?

The gist is that LRV, Light Reflectance Value, refers to how light or dark a paint colour is. The higher the LRV number is, the lighter the colour is. The lower the LRV number is – the darker the colour is.

What do the different colors mean in ls-l?

With the default setup. Uncolored (white): file or non-filename text (e.g. permissions in the output of ls -l) Bold blue: directory. Bold cyan: symbolic link. Bold green: executable file. Bold red: archive file. Bold magenta: image file, video, graphic, etc. or door or socket.

What do the colors in the command line mean?

Blue: Directory Green: Executable or recognized data file Cyan (Sky Blue): Symbolic link file Yellow with black background: Device

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