What is an overhanging restoration?

What is an overhanging restoration?

Overhanging dental restorations (ODR) are a major dental health problem. An ODR is defined as an extension of restorative material beyond the confines of a cavity preparation. They have been strongly implicated as an etiologic factor in the progression of periodontal disease and are alarmingly prevalent.

What causes marginal overhanging of amalgam restoration?

Overhanging margins of restorations are common, and much iatrogenic periodontal disease is caused by plaque stagnation associated with overhangs.

How do you find overhanging restoration?

Radiograph may be used as a tool to determine the overhanging restoration, given the radiopaque appearance resembles the restoration. Failure of reproducing proximal contour of the tooth as a result of overfilled material, and lack of embrasure space are considered as an overhanging proximal retoration clinically.

What happens if a tooth is restored and it has an overhanging restoration?

Overhanging restorations may increase plaque accumulation and cause gingival inflammation, periodontal tissue damage, and also particularly decrease in alveolar bone height. 17, 21, 22 Also, overhanging restorations are one of the reasons for secondary caries that can cause infection in the pulp.

What is overhang crown?

When everything is ideal, there is a seamless transition where the tooth. and the filling or crown meet. When a restoration is too bulky where it. meets your tooth, we call it an overhang.

When do you polish amalgam?

The finishing and polishing procedures should not be initiated on an amalgam restoration until the amalgam has reached its final set, at least 24 hours after it has been placed and carved. Premature finishing and polishing will interfere with the crystalline structure of the hardening amalgam.

What is a dental overhang?

When a restoration is too bulky in the area where the restoration meets the tooth, we call it an overhang. A common sign of an overhang is difficulty flossing or floss that catches or tears. Overhangs can develop over time.

How do I remove overhang from my house?

How to Replace Roof Overhang

  1. Pry off the shingle molding that runs along the top edge of the fascia with a crowbar.
  2. Pry off the fascia, often a 1-by-4 or a piece of plywood.
  3. Pull off the soffit, which sits on the underside of the fascia and braces the overhang structure against the side of the house.

Can loose crowns cause infection?

A crown is meant to cover up sensitive parts of your teeth. When you have a loose crown or a missing crown, those areas are exposed to bacteria that can lead to infection or other serious oral health problems.

What is an extreme overbite?

An overbite is a too-large overlap between the top teeth and the bottom teeth. A proper bite requires a small overbite – generally 1 to 2 mm – but the front teeth should fit over the bottom teeth and not leave a between them. When the overlap is too large, this is called an excessive overbite.

What’s the difference between an ideal restoration and an overhang?

When a restoration is too bulky in the area where the restoration meets the tooth, we call it an overhang. In contrast, with an ideal restoration, there is a seamless transition between it and the tooth. By treating overhangs, we can help you avoid many serious dental problems and help you keep your healthy smile.

Why are overhanging margins of restorations a problem?

Failure to recognise and eliminate overhanging margins of restorations occur frequently and may constitute professional negligence. Once overhangs are recognised, they should not be ignored as they predispose to, and increase the severity of periodontal disease.

Why are overhangs important in periodontal restoration?

Once overhangs are recognised, they should not be ignored as they predispose to, and increase the severity of periodontal disease. Small overhangs are more easily removed than large ones, and the latter may necessitate replacement of the restoration.

What are the causes of the amalgam overhang?

The amalgam overhang dilemma: a review of causes and effects, prevention, and removal Overhanging margins of restorations are common, and much iatrogenic periodontal disease is caused by plaque stagnation associated with overhangs.

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