Do you have to fight Napstablook in genocide?

Do you have to fight Napstablook in genocide?

You’ll need to hit Napstablook about 4 times. You can’t kill him because he’s a ghost but he will end the battle at this point. Once the battle is over, Napstablook will get out of your way so you can move on.

What is in Sans room in Undertale?

His room contains a racecar bed, action figures, pirate flag, a bookshelf with complex tomes about puzzle creation and children’s books, a computer opened up to a social media website, a box of bones, and a closet with clothes neatly hung up inside.

How many LV is Flowey?

Loading the SAVE file displays a blank screen name. The SAVE is under Flowey’s name, his Level of Violence is 9999, and the play time is 9999:99.

Who is the house next to napstablook’s house?

The house next to Napstablook’s belongs to Mettaton. You can buy the Mystery Key from Bratty and Catty for 600G. in the True Pacifist ending, you can wander around the game world after beating the last boss. Mettaton will be found hanging around outside his house in his Mettaton EX body.

What happens when you lay on napstablook’s floor?

As you become one with the cosmos whilst lying on Napstablook’s floor, everything remains in the room except for the TV. The floor and walls fade away to become the Ultra-Deep Field image, and the TV disappears along with them which could be to draw more detail to the characters.

Where does napstablook leave the house in Undertale?

If the protagonist refuses to lie down, Napstablook exits the house through the right wall and does not return until the protagonist leaves. East of Napstablook’s house is Blook Acres, another location where the protagonist encounters Napstablook.

What are the names of the CDs in napstablook’s house?

Napstablook has three CDs in his house which are titled Ghouliday, Spooktune, and Spookwave. If you select one of these songs and leave the house it will continue to play. If you then walk to the quiet area of the waterfall with the song still playing, a unique encounter with Woshua and Aaron will be triggered.

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