How do I add remarks to my ACL?

How do I add remarks to my ACL?

To insert an ACE with a remark within an ACL by specifying a sequence number, insert the numbered remark first, then, using the same sequence number, insert the ACE. This operation applies only to ACLs accessed using the “Named-ACL” ( nacl ) context.

What is access-list remark?

Usage Guidelines. ACL comment text describes entries in an ACL. The comment text appears in the output of show commands that display ACL information. The no form of the command removes the remark from the access list.

What is the use of remark while defining ACL?

In this ACL configuration we put in remarks, to help the student remember the discussions we had and what specific statements or grouping of statements were used for.

How do you add a line to a list in access?

Type “ip access-list standard [name]”, where [name] is the name of the Access List you want to add a line to. For example, you would use the command “ip access-list standard List1” to edit an Access List named “List1.” Press “Enter.”

What is remark in router?

To write a helpful comment (remark) for an entry in a named IP access list, use the remark access-list configuration command. To remove the remark, use the no form of this command.

How do I add a comment in Cisco?

Each line, that begins with “!” in a cisco configuration file will be seen as comment. It is not necessary to begin the line with “!# ” to let this line be a comment, “!” only (even without the following “#”) will make the line a comment.

What is a remark command?

The REMARK command must appear at the beginning of a line, and the comment ends at the end of the line. A line cannot contain both a comment and a command. A “–” at the end of a REMARK line is treated as a line continuation character.

What is a difference between IPv6 and IPv4 access control lists?

There are two important differences however: IPv4 access-lists can be standard or extended, numbered or named. IPv6 only has named extended access-lists. IPv4 access-lists have an invisible implicit deny any at the bottom of every access-list.

How do I configure my router as an access-list?

Configuring Access Control Lists

  1. Create a MAC ACL by specifying a name.
  2. Create an IP ACL by specifying a number.
  3. Add new rules to the ACL.
  4. Configure the match criteria for the rules.
  5. Apply the ACL to one or more interfaces.

Can you add comments in Cisco config?

How do I comment in config file?

To enter comments in a configuration file, use a comment character and enter the comment text anywhere to the right of the comment character on the same line. Valid comment characters are a semicolon (;), a pound sign (#), or two hyphens (–).

What Is REM in SQL script?

REM, or short for REMARK, is used in SQL*Plus to indicate the beginning of a comment in a SQL script.

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