Is Apollymi a Braith?

Is Apollymi a Braith?

Braith was one of the Primary gods who fought in the Primus Bellum. She fell in love with Kissare, who renamed her Apollymi, which meant “the light of my heart” in the Sephiroth language.

Who is Acheron’s father?

Acheron is a member of the Atlantean pantheon and the last Atlantean (Atlante) Chthonian. Chthonians are creatures from the the earth that flowed red with blood of the gods during their war. Chthonian rose up and dived the world between the gods. His mother Apollymi; father Archon.

Who was Monakribos?

The son of the Primary God Braith and the sephiroth Kissare. Monakribos became the first Malachai.

Who are the Atlantean gods?


  • 1 Agapa.
  • 2 Apollymi.
  • 3 Apostolos.
  • 4 Archon.
  • 5 Asteros.
  • 6 Basi.
  • 7 Bet’anya Agriosa.
  • 8 Chaos.

Is there an Atlantean pantheon?

The Atlantean pantheon is a homebrew version of the Nine Powers in the Primeval Thule setting, which is (c) Sasquatch Game Studios. The pantheon of the ancient Atlanteans suffered a tremendous blow when the continent of Atlantis sank.

Who is the Goddess of Atlantis?

Basilea was the first queen of the legendary Kingdom of Atlantis in ancient Greek folk tradition.

Is Acheron a God?

AKHERON (Acheron) was the god of the underworld river and lake of pain. The daimon Kharon (Charon) ferried the souls of the dead across its dark waters in his skiff.

Who is Acherons mother?

Katra. Katra Agrotera is a kori (handmaiden) for his mother Apollymi in Kalosis. She originally served both Artemis and Apollymi, but her service was traded to Apollymi in exchange for saving Ash from Desiderius.

Who do Atlanteans worship?

The Atlantean body politic and the religious establishment are one and the same. The same complex polytheistic religion governs both factions of Atlanteans: the Emperor-Adept or God-Emperor, half human, half divine spirit, is the Sun-God Incal himself (which is the original reason the Muvians seceded).

Why did Zeus destroy Atlantis?

Atlantis was a large island in the Atlantic Ocean which lay in front of the mouth of the pillars of Heracles (straits of Gibraltar). Their inhabitants became a spiritually ugly race and for that reason Zeus and the gods destroyed them by letting the island be swallowed up by the sea.

What gods did Atlantis worship?

Prime Earth

  • Poseidon.
  • Ceto.
  • Pontus.
  • Arion.
  • Thetis.

Who ruled Atlantis?

The fable tells that Cleito had five pairs of twin sons with Poseidon, the eldest of which was named Atlas. The ten sons inherited the great city and the first child, Atlas, became the first ruler of Atlantis.

How is apollymi freed from the Atlanteans?

Some claim it is only by the sacrificial blood of an Atlantean that she can be freed, while others claim it is strictly the hand of her lost son Apostolos that can free her. Because of her imprisonment, she, alone, escaped death when Atlantis was destroyed (at least that’s the tale the Greeks tell).

Who was Simi’s mother in the book apollymi?

Xiamara, Simi’s mother, was her best friend and she died while trying to save Acheron from being killed. Apollymi harbors a deep secret about Acheron and it’s one she would die before she breathed a word of it. Xiamara, Simi’s mother, was her best friend and she died while trying to save Acheron from being killed.

What is the meaning of the word apollumi?

apollumi: to destroy, destroy utterly Original Word: ἀπόλλυμι Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: apollumi Phonetic Spelling: (ap-ol’-loo-mee) Definition: to destroy, destroy utterly Usage: (a) I kill, destroy, (b) I lose, mid: I am perishing (the resultant death being viewed as certain). HELPS Word-studies

What happens to apollymi in the end of the world?

Apollymi has a different version. Now she sits in her prison, awaiting her release so that she can wreak her havoc across the earth and bring about Telikos–the end of the world as we know it. Look for me in…

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