What is another word for overstayed?

What is another word for overstayed?

Overstay Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for overstay?

extend prolong
protract spin out

What is the synonym of prolonged?

as in protracted, overlong. Synonyms & Near Synonyms for prolonged. longish, overlong, protracted.

What is the synonym of onerous?

Some common synonyms of onerous are burdensome, exacting, and oppressive. While all these words mean “imposing hardship,” onerous stresses being laborious and heavy especially because distasteful.

What is the meaning of outstay your welcome?

: to be no longer welcome to stay in a place because one has stayed too long, been impolite, etc. As much as he has contributed to the company, he has outstayed his welcome and needs to go.

What is hotel overstay?

In hospitality industry parlance, an overstay is a guest who stays past their expected check-out time without properly altering the reservation or requesting late checkout.

When people overstay their welcome words?

Is there a word, phrase, or idiom for a person who stays too late at an event such as a dinner party? Something like “latecomer” but for departing rather than arriving. You mean he “overstays his welcome”? (“Wears out his welcome” is also idiomatic, as suggested by Nathaniel.)

What is another word for waiting a long time?

What is another word for long wait?

long haul eternity
coon’s age eonUS
a lifetime for ever
timelessness endless time
hours on end forever and a day

What does it mean to prolong something?

1 : to lengthen in time : continue. 2 : to lengthen in extent, scope, or range.

What is the opposite to onerous?

onerous. Antonyms: light, easy, trivial, inoppressive. Synonyms: burdensome, toilsome, heavy, responsible, oppressive, laborious, oppose, difficult.

What does onerous mean mean?

1 : involving, imposing, or constituting a burden : troublesome an onerous task onerous regulations an onerous mortgage. 2 : having legal obligations that outweigh the advantages an onerous contract.

Is overstay a word?

: to stay beyond or longer than We overstayed our welcome.

How long is overstaying your welcome?

Although circumstances may vary, 72 hours is a reasonable period of hospitality for anyone hosting a friend in their home. If the stay is stretching longer than you anticipated, politely let him or her know that you simply can’t afford to host for an extended period.

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