How many healers can you stack COC?

How many healers can you stack COC?

You can have a maximum of 21 Healers at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Army Camps. This number increases to 24 if you include the 3 that can fit into a level 9 or higher Clan Castle.

Can you queen walk with 3 healers?

Either 4 or 5 healers can be used for a Queen Walk, although at TH10 and above it is best to use 5 due to the greater risk of Seeking Air Mines taking out a healer or two.

Is the healer good in COC?

The Healer is a flying unit. She is the only troop with no attacking/offensive capability, but can heal any ground Troops, except when she is defending as a Clan Castle troop (in which case she heals injured Clan Castle Troops and heroes).

How does battle healer work?

On defense, the Battle Healer works best with troops that are not immediately defeated from most spells, like the Hunter. Her healing effect will gradually build up as the push is taken care of, negating most of the spell damage dealt to the unit, allowing for a powerful counterpush.

At what level can you queen walk?

Heroes must be level 15 and above. But can be done with lower level heroes as long as you face a base with similar strength as yours considering you’re new to TH9….Queen Walk GoHo.

By: [[User:|]]
Town Hall Level: 9
Trophy Level: Any

Does Heal spell work on Heroes?

All friendly Troops and Heroes within the ring will be healed (ground or air), including Healers. While Heroes can also be healed by the Healing Spell, the rate of healing is reduced to 55% the rate of normal troops. On the other hand, Siege Machines are completely unaffected by the Healing Spell.

Are doctors healers?

The art of healing is very important in medicine. There can be a difference between being a modern day physician and being a healer. All societies have healers — wise men and women, shamans, medicine men and people of other names. The “old time practitioner” was almost always a healer but many physicians today are not.

Is Battle healer a legendary?

The Battle Healer card is unlocked from the Legendary Arena (Arena 15).

What do you need to know about healers in COC?

All you have to know about Healer in COC. A healer is not a very diverse multi-functional unit, it has no attack values. It instead, as its name suggests, follows your troops around and heals them till it dies. Stacked troops are almost never good but in case of a healer, the more the merrier!

When to use rage and healing in COC?

If you find your hero being attacked by a tower, balloon, etc. and his chances of survival, if and only if it is worth it, use a healing spell as a healing spell heals rapidly both the healer and the troops and once it wears off, the healer can do the job. If the reward is very big and you can’t still accomplish it, use a rage spell.

Are there any drawbacks to stacking stones?

But stacking stones without an apparent use has its drawbacks. Environmentalists point out that when rocks are permanently shifted, insects and small mammals lose their homes, and the soil revealed beneath the stone that supports native plants is then eroded. Stones stacked in streams also disrupt the flow of water over time and alter landscapes.

How much does a healer cost in Clash of clans?

Healers are high end clash of clans units for a reason. They take up 14 of your housing space, take 15 minutes to train and cost you from 5k (minimum level) to 10k (maximum level) elixir. Also they don’t heal aerial troops so must be paired up with ground troops to have effect

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