Is Ag2S ionic or covalent?

Is Ag2S ionic or covalent?

Silver sulfide is a network solid made up of silver (electronegativity of 1.98) and sulfur (electronegativity of 2.58) where the bonds have low ionic character (approximately 10%).

What kind of compound is Ag2S?

Disilver sulphide

PubChem CID 30686
Molecular Formula Ag2HS
Synonyms 21548-73-2 SILVER(I) SULFIDE Ag2S Silver(I)Sulfide Silver sulfide (Ag2S) More…
Molecular Weight 248.81
Component Compounds CID 23954 (Silver) CID 402 (Hydrogen sulfide)

What is the name of the ionic compound Ag2S?

Silver silver sulfide | Ag2S – PubChem.

What are Ag2S elements?

Ag is the symbol for silver, and S is the symbol for sulfur. This is an ionic compound, because silver loses one electron to become a positive ion (+1). Sulfur loses two electrons, to become a negatively charged ion, (-2). So, two silver ions bond to the sulfur, becoming Ag2S.

Is Ag2S a compound or molecule?

We have sillver (I) sulfide, Ag2S A g 2 S . This compound is made up of the metal silver, Ag , and the nonmetal sulfur, {eq}\rm…

Is Ag2S a precipitate?

Description: Silver sulfide precipitate. Silver sulfide (Ag2S) precipitate (black) formed by adding 0.2 M solution of silver nitrate (AgNO3) drop by drop to 0.25 M solution of sodium sulfide (Na2S).

Is Ag2S an element compound or molecule?

Silver sulfide is a compound formed between silver and sulfur.

How many atoms are in Ag2S?

Mass percentage of the elements in the composition

Element Symbol Number of Atoms
Argentum Ag 2
Sulfur S 1

Is Ag2S a solid?

Description. Silver sulfide is a dense black solid that is insoluble in all solvents, but is degraded by strong acids.

Is Ag2S black precipitate?

Ag2S is an insoluble black solid.

What is the cation of Ag2S?

Formula and structure: The silver sulfide chemical formula is Ag2S. The molecule is formed by two cation silver Ag+ and one sulfide anion S2-. The two cations are bound to the sulfide anion through an ionic bond.

How Ag2S is formed?

When the sulfur atom has taken these two electrons, it becomes a sulfur ion, S-2 with the name sulfide. The silver ion and the sulfide ion stick together to form silver sulfide, Ag2 S. Silver sulfide is generated when elemental silver reacts with hydrogen sulfide gas, which is present in air.

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