Is Thunder a good move for Pikachu?

Is Thunder a good move for Pikachu? The strongest Electric-type move Pikachu learns is Thunder. While Thunder can melt anything it hits, it, unfortunately, has an accuracy of 70%. Swift is a good insurance policy if an enemy Pokemon needs some chip damage before it faints. … What is Pikachu’s strongest attack? Best moveset for […]

How does stab work in Pokemon?

How does stab work in Pokémon? STAB (stands for Same-type attack bonus) is a boost in the base power of a move that has the same type as the Pokémon using the move. This boost increases the damage done by 50%. This boost can become 100% instead when a Pokémon has Adaptability as its natural […]

What is the IP address of my Linksys router?

What is the IP address of my Linksys router? The default IP address of a Linksys router is “192.168. 1.1”. How do I access my Linksys WRT54G router? Open a web browser and enter as the URL, and admin as the password. Change the default router password from admin to something more secure. Be […]

How do I use Launchpad with Magic Mouse?

How do I use Launchpad with Magic Mouse? Pinch your thumb and three fingers together to display Launchpad. Swipe up with four fingers2 to open Mission Control. Swipe down with four fingers2 to see all of the windows of the app you’re using. What is so special about the Magic Mouse 2? What’s new isn’t […]

Can you have 2 red tail sharks together?

Can you have 2 red tail sharks together? While it’s definitely possible to keep more than one Red Tail Shark in the same aquarium, it comes with risk. Due to their territorial nature, there’s a high likelihood that these fish will fight unless they have a significant amount of space. Author Note: Fish that look […]

What are the top 10 favorite superheroes?

What are the top 10 favorite superheroes? America’s top ten favorite superheroes Superman. Spider-Man. Batman. Captain America. Iron Man. Wonder Woman. Aquaman. Captain Marvel. Who is Marvel’s best superhero? The 25 Best Marvel Heroes in the MCU Steve Rogers (Captain America) Tony Stark (Iron Man) Thor. Peter Parker (Spider-Man) Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) King T’Challa […]

Que significa ser obediente?

¿Qué significa ser obediente? El término obediencia (del latín oboedientia)​ indica el proceso que conduce de la escucha atenta a la acción, que puede ser duramente pasiva o exterior o, por el contrario, puede provocar una profunda actitud interna de respuesta. ¿Cómo explicar la obediencia a los niños? Obedecer se trata de cumplir con alguna […]

Why do makeup products get discontinued?

Why do makeup products get discontinued? When a product isn’t performing financially, companies have no choice but to find an alternative. They may also be forced down the same path if a product ingredient is no longer available, states Gerrard. “The company works hard to replicate it but sometimes it’s not possible and the product […]

What can I do with the free SoundCloud app?

What can I do with the free SoundCloud app? Software offers a premium service of different features, including unlimited streaming of tracks from its library ability follow artists, connect with friends, share tracks on social media. Free app that allows users upload, record, share their music. This app has a great interface with a lot […]

What type of church is Hallgrimskirkja?

What type of church is Hallgrímskirkja? Named after 17th-century hymn writer Hallgrimur Petursson, Hallgrimskirkja is a Lutheran church, as are most churches in Iceland. Services are held each Sunday. The wonderful acoustics and the enormous pipe organ make it an ideal venue for classical music concerts. Is Hallgrímskirkja Catholic? Hallgrímskirkja (Icelandic pronunciation: ​[ˈhatl̥ˌkrimsˌcʰɪr̥ca], church of […]

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