How do I vertically align UL in CSS?

How do I vertically align UL in CSS? Inorder to make vertical-align: middle; work, you need to use display: table; for your ul element and display: table-cell; for li elements and than you can use vertical-align: middle; for li elements. You don’t need to provide any explicit margins , paddings to make your text vertically […]

Why did Shrill get Cancelled?

Why did Shrill get Cancelled? Annie’s standards come sharply into focus when she dumps him in the final moments of season two because she’s “an adult” in need of “a real partner”. Shrill was cancelled before its time, the likely reason being Covid-related disruption in the TV industry. Is Shrill on TV? Shrill is an […]

What are examples of multicultural issues?

What are examples of multicultural issues? Multicultural concerns cover a broad range of topics and identities including race, religion, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, and/or disability. How does religion affect cultural? Religion influences cultures, but it is also influenced by culture. Religion can play a big part in the cultural identity of people, influencing how they […]

Is there a law against saving parking spots?

Is there a law against saving parking spots? Legally, the answer to that last question is no, you don’t have any right to claim a parking spot as exclusively your own, if that spot is on a public highway. The only way you could reserve a space outside your property is if it has been […]

How do you treat ryegrass stagger in sheep?

How do you treat ryegrass stagger in sheep? There is no specific therapy for perennial ryegrass staggers. In mild cases, stock should be very quietly moved, without a dog, to a safer paddock with a water trough rather than open water to reduce the risk of drowning. How do you fix ryegrass staggers? There is […]

What researchers have discovered about the adolescent brain?

What researchers have discovered about the adolescent brain? Recent advances in technology and research have led to the ability to “see inside” the adolescent brain; these studies indicate that the brain, not hormones, is responsible for teens’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. How does the brain develop in adolescence? In adolescence, a fundamental reorganization of the […]

What are the pros and cons of Schoology?

What are the pros and cons of Schoology? Pros: Features and integrations galore! There’s enough variety and flexibility to tailor it to the needs and curriculum of just about any teacher. Cons: First-time users will be overwhelmed and will need to take the time to carefully set things up and learn features as they’re needed. […]

What is 32bit ALU?

What is 32bit ALU? It is a combinational circuit taking two 32-bit data words A and B as inputs, and producing a 32-bit output Y by performing a specified arithmetic or logical function on the A and B inputs. What is ALU in Verilog? ALU is the fundamental building block of the processor, which is […]

What are the stages of odontogenesis?

What are the stages of odontogenesis? Here are the different stages of odontogenesis. Bud Stage. This first stage happens at the eighth week in utero. Cap Stage. During this stage, cells begin to shape the outside layer of the tooth, forming a cap that sits on the rest of the tooth bud. Bell Stage. Crown […]

Is Malvern Star a good bike brand?

Is Malvern Star a good bike brand? It is confident off-road confidence and respectably efficient on-road, making it a great do-it-all starter bike. Much like we experienced with the Giant Talon and Avanti Montari, the SR-Suntour XCT fork is underwhelming and limits the bike’s ability when it’s off-road. Who invented Malvern Star bikes? Tom Finnigan […]

What is a popover in IOS?

What is a popover in IOS? A popover is a transient view that appears above other content onscreen when you tap a control or in an area. Many iPad apps, for example, show a popover of sharing options when you tap the Action button. Avoid displaying popovers on iPhones. Generally, popovers should be reserved for […]

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