What is the name of white turquoise?

What is the name of white turquoise?

Howlite is also sold in its natural state, sometimes under the trade names of “white turquoise” or “white buffalo turquoise,” or the derived name “white buffalo stone” and is used to produce jewelry similar to how turquoise is used.

Is White turquoise real turquoise?

Although it is called White Turquoise, there is a slight tint of blue or green color from the minerals in the rock that actually make the material test as authentic Turquoise. The demand for White Turquoise has come to be fairly recently.

How do you identify white turquoise?

Turquoise is naturally a soft stone, but howlite (the turquoise imitation), is even softer. This means that if you scratch your stone and it scratches easily, you most likely have a piece of howlite. But if it’s very difficult to scratch your stone, you’ve got genuine turquoise!

Is white turquoise rare?

Because white turquoise is as rare as the white buffalo, it is sometimes referred to as Sacred Buffalo Turquoise. White turquoise was found in the Dry Creek Mine near Battle Mountain, Nevada. The mine is closed. This stone is very rare and collectible.

How do you clean white turquoise?

To clean the Turquoise gemstones in your Jewelry, you will need a small bowl of warm water, a soft toothbrush, and a soft drying towel. Do not submerge your Turquoise in the water. Simply wet the toothbrush in the warm water and gently scrub the Turquoise stones. Do small sections at a time and dry with the soft cloth.

Can you wear turquoise in the shower?

Like many gemstones, keep turquoise away from heat, chemicals such as perfumes, cosmetics and oils. As turquoise is porous it is important to keep it away from any lotions, alcohol, perfume hair spray or other cosmetics and never wear your turquoise jewelry in the shower, hot tubs or swimming.

Can turquoise lose its color?

Turquoise is a very porous and absorptive precious stone. When a turquoise stone is exposed to water, oils and other chemicals it soaks them up like a sponge. Water and oil can cause some of these metals to oxidize, or in other words rust. As a result of oxidation, the stones can actually change color.

Can you put turquoise in water?

Do not submerge your Turquoise in the water. Turquoise is porous and chemicals, even mild soaps, can damage your piece. To clean the Sterling Silver on your jewelry that is lightly tarnished, you can use a chemically treated polishing cloth that can be purchased at many Jewelry or grocery stores.

What are the health benefits of turquoise?

The color turquoise has healing properties that affects the mind and the body. Turquoise is believed to help neutralize over acidity, increase growth and muscular strength, and alleviate gout, stomach problems, viral infections, rheumatism.

What are the benefits of wearing turquoise?

Turquoise may be used for relieving muscle pain caused by working out for extended periods of time. It works through increasing blood flow to the affected muscles and thus alleviates torn ligaments or tendons. Linked by certain sources with the capability of removing toxins, turquoise makes a great tonic stone.

Is turquoise healing?

The Physical Healing Powers of Turquoise. As a healing stone, Turquoise is among the crystal healing master stones. According to followers of the New Age, the healing powers of Turquoise can benefit the whole body, with special strengths in healing ailments of the immune, respiratory, waste and skeletal systems.

What is the meaning of turquoise gemstone?

Around the world, turquoise gemstone meaning is associated with healing, protection, and connection with the spirit world. Native American cultures believed that turquoise symbolized a connection to the spirit world, and that it could bring emotional peace and steadiness.

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