What is Knowledge c database?
The KnowledgeC database is also found on MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Knowledge/ This database is responsible for tracking various activities ranging from when the device was plugged in to the orientation of the device at a given time. It’s also important to note timestamps found in the KnowledgeC.
What is the InteractionC database?
The database that stores data about contact-center interactions and resources at a granular level of detail. See also Interaction Concentrator.
What is KnowledgeC?
What exactly is the knowledgeC* database? The knowledgeC database stores an event log of multiple processes that run within an Apple device ranging from application usage to speaker output switching. *KnowledgeC. db is the database behind the coreduet daemon in iOS meant to synchronize states between apple products.
What is InteractionC?
Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. The idea of a two-way effect is essential in the concept of interaction, as opposed to a one-way causal effect. Interaction has different tailored meanings in various sciences.
What is Videosubscriptionsd on Mac?
According to Mac enthusiasts, the Videosubscriptionsd CPU usage on Mac 10.12 versions can be triggered by iTunes changes to support unified playback of video purchases on multi-platforms. As a consequence, the process may be trying to sync some purchased videos across the platforms and failing to do so.
What is InteractionC Iphone?
People interact with an iOS device by performing gestures on the touchscreen. These gestures elicit a close personal connection with content and enhance the sense of direct manipulation of onscreen objects.
What is Coreduetd Mac?
Coreduetd is the daemon that is used to coordinate with your Mac other Apple devices in close proximity, to facilitate Handoff and synchronize with Office 365, iCloud Drive, and similar.
What is difference between database and knowledge base?
The difference between a database and a knowledge base is that a database is a collection of data representing facts in their basic form, while a knowledge base stores information as answers to questions or solutions to problems. A knowledge base allows for rapid search, retrieval, and reuse.
What is interaction example?
The definition of interaction is an action which is influenced by other actions. An example of interaction is when you have a conversation. A conversation or exchange between people. I enjoyed the interaction with a bunch of like-minded people.
What are interaction types?
The ways a person interacts with a product or application. Interaction Types are: Instructing, Conversing, Manipulating, and Exploring.
Can I delete Videosubscriptionsd on Mac?
Don’t delete them. It appears to be related specifically to OS 10.12. 4.
How does OSX malware persist?
Viruses infect files by injecting viral code in order to replicate. However, this viral code can also provide persistence: any time the infected binary is executed, the virus code will be executed as well. Since OS X binaries (and applications) can be unsigned, viral infection may be back in fashion!