How do you refer to adopted children?

How do you refer to adopted children?

Adoptee / Adopted Child The term “adoptee” can refer to two different things: 1) an individual who joins a family by adoption or 2) an adult adopted as a child. It is essential to use “person-first” language whenever possible with this term, because this is another one that’s sensitive in nature.

What do you say in adoption?

Some phrases to consider are:

  • “Congratulations on your adoption!”
  • “Congratulations on your new addition to your family!”
  • “We know that love is what really makes a family, and we’re excited to meet yours!”

Why is positive adoption language important?

Words have power to convey messages and evoke feelings. By using positive adoption language, we honor and show respect to birth parents for making a loving, courageous, and selfless choice. For adoptive parents, we affirm their role as their child’s forever family.

What is the meaning of adopt in one word?

transitive verb. 1 : to take by choice into a relationship especially : to take voluntarily (a child of other parents) as one’s own child. 2 : to take up and practice or use adopted a moderate tone. 3 : to accept formally and put into effect adopt a constitutional amendment.

What do you call a person who adopts?

Adoptee, Adopted Person, or Person who was Adopted – A person who joins a family by adoption. Whenever possible, use “person-first” language. Adoption – A permanent, legally binding arrangement whereby persons other than the biological parents parent the child.

What do adopted kids call their bio parents?

Birth Mother “The word birth-parent is so inculcated within the adoption field, and thus my vernacular,” says Tucker. The term was popularized in the 1950s and 1960s with the help of adoptive mother and author Pearl S. Buck and researcher Marietta Spencer.

Which is an example of Adoption Friendly language?

Adoption is a part of their life story, not who they are. Another example of adoption-friendly language would be calling a biological parent a child’s “real parent” as this devalues adoptive parents.

What’s the best way to talk about adoption?

Adoption needs to be viewed as a choice that came from a place of love. Regardless of the reasons surrounding an adoption, it is important not to convey that children were given away as if it were their fault or they were somehow not good enough.

What makes an adoption ” unfriendly ” to the birth parents?

Much of the language used toward adoption that may be deemed “unfriendly” revolves around the birth parents and adoptees. For example, stating that a child is an “adopted child” may be a statement of fact, but it in turn labels the child.

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