What are some disgusting things?

What are some disgusting things?

Here is a list of 30 things most people do every day that is just plain gross!

  • Reusing dirty jeans for weeks without washing them.
  • Wearing already-used workout clothes when you just ~don’t have time~ to do laundry.
  • Using your phone while sitting on the toilet.
  • And taking a phone call while you’re…still on the toilet.

What is really gross?

Get ready, because gross has a few different meanings. When something is gross, it’s disgusting. The noun, a gross, is the complete amount (before expenses), and the verb “to gross” is to bring in money. earn before taxes, expenses, etc.

What is something nasty?

Something nasty is filthy, foul, dirty, or awful. Nasty isn’t a word for anything nice. The main meaning of nasty is for things that are unpleasant and very gross. If someone throws up in class, at least one student will probably say, “That’s nasty!” The smell of a bathroom is nasty.

What’s the nastiest thing in the world?

10 of the world’s most disgusting foods

  • Bull penis. Picture credit: The Disgusting Food Museum.
  • Casu Marzu (maggot cheese) Picture credit: The Disgusting Food Museum.
  • Century eggs. Picture credit: The Disgusting Food Museum.
  • Durian. Picture credit: The Disgusting Food Museum.
  • Fruit bats.
  • Kale pache.
  • Kopi Luwak.
  • Mouse wine.

What’s the grossest food?

What is the Cringiest word?

1. Squirt – 55% Coming in at number one, the word squirt was voted the cringiest word in the English language in Buzzfeed’s survey. Does this word make you feel queasy? 2.

What is the nastiest word in the world?

1. Smegma. Definition: “The secretion of a sebaceous gland; specifically : the cheesy sebaceous matter that collects between the glans penis and the foreskin or around the clitoris and labia minora.” The top word on the list certainly doesn’t disappoint.

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