What do you put instead of bullet points?

What do you put instead of bullet points?

Bullet Point Alternatives

  • Clean, Simple Icons. One of the easiest ways to make a boring slide more interesting is to replace bullet points with clean, simple icons.
  • Diagram-based layouts.
  • Graphic Layouts.
  • Build-Up.
  • Break Out.

How do you make a presentation without bullet points?

Some design ideas on how to avoid bullets

  1. Control the flow of your content by using simple animation.
  2. Reduce the text to a few key words instead of a whole sentence.
  3. Don’t actually arrange your bullets in a list: use a grid format instead.
  4. You can go one step further and not use any text at all!

Are bullet points good for presentations?

Using bullet points is a good way to create a balance between the visual and text elements of your PowerPoint presentation. They help in making slides visually appealing and add a dimension of design into the text, all while conveying the same message as a lengthy, text-heavy slide—but in fewer words.

Why are bullet points bad for presentations?

Bullet Points Are Bad Because Science Says So The results won’t surprise you. IIBC confirmed that lists of text suck, plain and simple. Whenever a slide is full of lists of text or numbered items, the audience won’t pay much attention to the message being communicated, let alone process it.

How do you make bullet points look good?

The key to make them look pretty is stop viewing them as text, but rather see each bullet as a slide object.

  1. Use some light background colour to make them appear equal in size to the eye.
  2. Spread them out big over the entire page.
  3. Use as little words as you can, but use enough words not to sound generic.

Are bullet points bad?

Are bullet points bad? Bullet Points Are Bad Because Science Says So IIBC confirmed that lists of text suck, plain and simple. Whenever a slide is full of lists of text or numbered items, the audience won’t pay much attention to the message being communicated, let alone process it.

What are the five 5 key words in designing effective PowerPoint presentation?

5 steps to effective Powerpoint Presentations

  • Plan your presentation on paper first. Keep away from the computer.
  • Put one statement on each slide. Take each main point of your presentation and express it as a short and succinct statement.
  • Add a relevant visual to each slide.
  • Pay attention to design.
  • Dance with your slides.

How should you use bullet points in a PowerPoint presentation?

Insert a bulleted or numbered list

  1. On the View tab, click Normal.
  2. Click in the text box or placeholder where you want to add bulleted or numbered text.
  3. On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering. , and begin typing your list. Press Return to create a new list item.

How do you do bullet points on a presentation?

On the left-hand side of the PowerPoint window, click a slide thumbnail that you want to add bulleted or numbered text to. On the slide, select the lines of text in a text placeholder or table that you want to add bullets or numbering to. On the HOME tab, in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering.

How do I make a good PowerPoint presentation?

Simple Tips to Design Your PowerPoint Presentation Better

  1. Keep Your Slides Simple.
  2. Limit Words on Your Slides.
  3. Use High-Quality Photos and Graphics.
  4. Use Accurate and Relevant Charts and Graphs.
  5. Use High-Quality, Fresh Templates.
  6. Choose Appropriate Fonts.
  7. Choose Color Well.
  8. Clean + Simple Formatting Makes All the Difference!

Should I use periods after bullet points?

Use a period (full stop) after every bullet point that is a sentence (as these bullets do). Use no punctuation after bullets that are not sentences and do not complete the stem. Use all sentences or all fragments, not a mixture.

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