What is mid day meal scheme What are the impacts of it?

What is mid day meal scheme What are the impacts of it?

The Midday Meal Program(MDM) is in operation in several states of India. This program aims to improve school enrollment and attendance, to reduce dropout rate to better the children’s school performance, and to improve the nutritional status of primary school children.

What is the main purpose to introduce mid day meal scheme?

The objective of the scheme is to help improve the effectiveness of primary education by improving the nutritional status of primary school children.

What is the role of mid day meal scheme in reducing social and economic inequality in India?

The nationwide Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) in India was introduced in 1995 with the objectives of enhancing school enrollment, retention and attendance while simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children.

What are the two main objectives of mid day meal scheme?

mid day meal scheme is the scheme in which the school children have provided the food in the schools. it is provided to increase the literacy rate in our country and to reduce poverty in the country. It is also provided to provide education to the poor children of the families who are below the poverty line.

What are the disadvantages of mid day meal?

Disadvantages of mid day meal scheme are:-

  • corruption is to the large extent in this scheme.
  • children are provided with a very low quality of food.
  • at some places this scheme do not work properly.
  • some people make profit by selling the products given by the government to the schools etc.

What is midday meal scheme write three positive effects of midday meal scheme?

1) Satisfies the hunger of many children. 2) Supplies nutritious food to poor children which helps them to concentrate on studies better. 3) Students come to government schools daily and won’t be asked to do labour work.

What do you understand by mid day meal?

Mid-day meal (MDM) is a wholesome freshly-cooked lunch served to children in government and government-aided schools in India.

What is the conclusion of mid day meal scheme?

To conclude, the Mid Day Meal Scheme is one of the country’s national flagships feeding scheme initiated to improve the nutritional and educational status of the vulnerable children.

Is mid day meal scheme success or failure?

For the first time ever, the Ministry of Human Resource and Development has announced mid-day meal rankings of all states which are part of this scheme across India. With a success score of 77.79 per cent in the implementation of the programme, Karnataka has topped over other states.

What are your suggestions to improve the mid day meal?

Complementary strategies such as deworming or fortifying meals provided through the MDM scheme could increase the nutritional impact of this program. India’s Supreme Court has directed that only hot, cooked meals be provided in MDM, through a decentralised model.

Who started mid day meal in India?

Tamil Nadu is the first state to implement the midday meal scheme. In 2001, MDMS became a cooked midday meal scheme under which each eligible child was provided with a prepared midday meal for a minimum of 200 days: Energy intake – 300 calories. Protein intake – 8 to 12 grams.

How successful is mid day meal scheme?

Increased Enrollment and Attendance: The meal scheme is generally a successful one as it has led to “increased enrollment in schools, increased attendance in schools, improved performance of students in class in terms of better attention span and academic progress.

Why is mid day meal scheme so important?

The contribution of mid-day meals to food security and child nutrition is particularly crucial in tribal areas, where hunger is endemic and hence parental appreciation of mid-day meals was highest among tribal communities.

How much food is wasted in mid day Meal Scheme?

The annual statement of allocation and offtake of foodgrains under the MDM scheme throws light on consistent underutilisation of foodgrains with almost 4-5 lakh tonnes of rice and wheat being wasted every year. Mid-day meals are loosely supervised and formal monitoring arrangements are sparse.

Is the Mid Day Meal Scheme carcinogenic?

Thus, nutritional deficiencies in mid-day meal and carcinogenic effects of mild contaminations or adulteration of food grains and/or cooking oil would show up in the young population with a lag of at least a few years.

How are mid day meals classified as Credence goods?

Food-products/ mid-day meals are also classified as credence goods, where quality of food in terms of nutrition and safety is not known to consumers and often to producers, even long after the consumption of the product.

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