What is Oracle configuration?

What is Oracle configuration?

Oracle Configuration Manager is used to collect client configuration information and upload it to the Oracle repository. When the client configuration data is uploaded on a regular basis, customer support representatives can analyze this data and provide better service to the customers.

What is Oracle and why it is used?

Why do We Use Oracle? It is a database management software product. A database contains an organized collection of information. A database management system is not only used for storing the data but to effectively manage it and provides high performance, authorized access and failure recovery features.

How do I check my database settings?

Viewing Database Settings

  1. Access the Database Home Page and log in as user SYSTEM .
  2. On the Database Home Page, click Administration, and then click About Database.
  3. Select or deselect one or more check boxes at the top of the page and then click Go to display the desired database settings.

What is the purpose of an Oracle?

Oracle is a fully scalable relational database architecture and is often used by global enterprises which manage and process data across wide and local area networks. The Oracle database has its own network component to allow communications across networks.

How can I create database in Oracle?


  1. Download the Oracle database software.
  2. Install the Oracle database software in a Windows environment.
  3. Create a database containing example schemas.
  4. Verify the database installation.
  5. Connect to an Oracle instance using the SQL*Plus utility.
  6. Unlock and query the HR schema.

What is Oracle Cloud Machine?

Oracle Cloud Machine, also known as Oracle Public Cloud Machine, provides public cloud services that deliver agility, innovation, and control over the data and software running on your premises, enabling you to build cloud-native applications connected to your core IT applications and critical data.

What is difference between Oracle and SQL?

Oracle is owned by Oracle Corporation and can run on a wide variety of platforms such as Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, and OS-X. Oracle supports PL/SQL and SQL language to write queries to access data from its database. SQL Server is owned by Microsoft and can only be used on the Windows platform.

Is Oracle easy to learn?

Oracle is fundamentally just like SQL Server and every other relational database system. It’s relatively easy to learn — as long as you have a good handle on Linux and SQL. If you have already learned SQL Server, then you can certainly learn Oracle databases.

How do I view a database?

To view a list of databases on an instance of SQL Server

  1. In Object Explorer, connect to an instance of the SQL Server Database Engine, and then expand that instance.
  2. To see a list of all databases on the instance, expand Databases.

How do I access SQL database?

Step 3: Connect to your database using SSMS

  1. Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  2. The Server type should be Database Engine.
  3. Enter the server name (see above)
  4. Authentication is SQL Server Authentication.
  5. Enter your database username (see above)
  6. Enter your database password (see above)
  7. Click Connect.

How do Oracles work?

An “oracle” sends data from the outside world, such as the daily temperature or the number of votes a political candidate received, to a blockchain such as Ethereum. A smart contract on the blockchain can then use the data, typically to make a decision about whether to dispense money and to whom.

How to change the default time zone in Oracle?

To change the default time zone (the time zone that you specified when you registered for My Oracle Support): Select Personalization from the Settings tab. Select Off next to Auto Detect Timezone. Select a time zone from the list, then click Apply Changes.

How to verify your Oracle database audit settings?

You can verify your Oracle Database audit settings manually. Do one of the following, depending on your Oracle Database version and edition. IMPORTANT! Starting with version 9.96, Netwrix Auditor provides limited support of Oracle Database 11g and trail auditing mode accordingly. See Data Collection from Oracle Database for more information.

How can I statically configure an Oracle Database listener?

To statically configure the listener, do the following: Access the Net Services Administration page in Oracle Enterprise Manager. Select Listeners from the Administer list, and then select the Oracle home that contains the configuration files. Click Go. You may be prompted to log in to the database server. The Listeners page appears.

How do I change my support for Oracle?

To change My Oracle Support to use one of these languages: Select Personalization from the Settings tab. The Personalization page appears. Select a language from the Language list, then click Apply Changes. My Oracle Support refreshes and displays in the selected language. Language preferences are saved in cookies.

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