What is up wind direction?

What is up wind direction?

In meteorology, a wind direction is the direction the wind is coming from. Upwind is the direction the wind is coming from. If the wind is blowing from the Northwest (blowing toward the Southeast) then the upwind direction is toward the Northwest and the downwind direction is toward the Southeast.

What does the term upwind mean?

: in the direction from which the wind is blowing.

What does stay down wind mean?

1. downwind – towards the side away from the wind. lee. leeward – on the side away from the wind; “on the leeward side of the island”

Is it upwind or downwind?

Upwind is closest to the source of the wind. Downwind is farther away.

What does it mean to sail under the lee?

noun. a sheltered part or side; the side away from the direction from which the wind is blowing. by the lee nautical so that the wind is blowing on the wrong side of the sail. under the lee nautical towards the lee.

What does up hill mean?

1 : situated on elevated ground. 2a : going up : ascending. b : being the higher one or part especially of a set specifically : being nearer the top of an incline. 3 : difficult, laborious. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About uphill.

What is a upswing?

1 : an upward swing. 2 : a marked increase or improvement a dramatic upswing in profits —often used in the phrase on the upswing her career is on the upswing.

What is another word for downwind?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for downwind, like: down-wind, lee, leeward, upwind, crosswind, to-leeward, into-the-wind, to-windward and windward.

Why do animals stay down wind?

Staying downwind from wildlife means the animal’s scent gets carried to you instead of your scent reaching, and spooking, the animal. Because most animals have a keen sense of smell, staying downwind is an important part of getting close to wildlife without being detected.

What is the leeward runner?

A running backstay runs from each lateral corner of the stern to the mast at the level where the forestay begins in the fractional rig. During beating or reaching, the running backstay in windward side is in tension. The one in the leeward side is lazy.

What does the nautical term leeward mean?

In sailing terminology, windward means “upwind,” or the direction from which the wind is blowing. An island’s windward side faces the prevailing, or trade, winds, whereas the island’s leeward side faces away from the wind, sheltered from prevailing winds by hills and mountains.

Which is the best definition of the word uphill?

1 : upward on a hill or incline 2 : against difficulties seemed to be talking uphill — Willa Cather

What is the meaning of the word upwind?

up•wind. (ˈʌpˈwɪnd) adv. 1. toward or against the wind or the direction from which it is blowing. adj.

What’s the difference between upwind and downwind direction?

upwind direction is toward the Northwest and the downwind direction is toward the Southeast. In other words, if a person is moving upwind then they are moving against the wind and if a person is moving downwind they are moving with the wind.

Which is an example of an uphill fight?

A task that is very daunting from the outset and continues to be challenging. The incumbent is so popular that defeating her will be an uphill fight. I’m terrible at math, so I have a real uphill fight ahead of me if I want to improve my grade in Algebra.

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