How do I fix validation ViewState failed Mac?

How do I fix validation ViewState failed Mac?

HttpException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm.

What is ViewState MAC in asp net?

The ViewState is a mechanism built in to the ASP.NET platform for persisting elements of the user interface and other data across successive requests. The data to be persisted is serialized by the server and transmitted via a hidden form field.

What does validation of viewstate MAC failed mean?

Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

What is ViewState used for?

View state is a repository in an ASP.NET page that can store values that have to be retained during postback. The page framework uses view state to persist control settings between postbacks.

How is ViewState encoded?

ViewState is base64-encoded. It is not encrypted but it can be encrypted by setting EnableViewStatMAC=”true” & setting the machineKey validation type to 3DES. If you want to NOT maintain the ViewState, include the directive < %@ Page EnableViewState=”false” % > at the top of an .

How do you validate a MAC address?

A valid MAC address must satisfy the following conditions: It must contain 12 hexadecimal digits. One way to represent them is to form six pairs of the characters separated with a hyphen (-) or colon(:). For example, 01-23-45-67-89-AB is a valid MAC address.

Why ViewState is not used in MVC?

there is no viewstate in MVC because its not required. a MVC view is a template engine, while webforms used a control tree. with webforms on postback the tree needed to rebuilt before postback values could be applied, and this often required viewstate.

How do I remove ViewState?

Control. You can disable their individual ViewStates by setting their EnableViewState to false. Also you can clear their ViewState, as each control has a ViewState property.

Can viewstate be tampered?

Sensitive information can find its way into view state without you even realizing it. And even if you’re vigilant about preventing sensitive information loss through view state, an attacker can still tamper with that view state and cause even bigger problems for you and your users.

Is viewstate secure?

The VIEWSTATE is a security risk if it is not encrypted (anyone could modify the VIEWSTATE values and POST to your pages.) If that page can decode the VIEWSTATE then it is not encrypted.

Is a MAC address fixed?

The MAC address generally remains fixed and follows the network device, but the IP address changes as the network device moves from one network to another. DHCP also usually relies on MAC addresses to manage the unique assignment of IP addresses to devices.

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