How do you call a registry file from a batch file?

How do you call a registry file from a batch file?

1 Answer

  1. using reg add ,
  2. specify as “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” ,
  3. specify the name of the registry key as “p” ,
  4. specify the type as REG_SZ (a string), and.
  5. specify the data (key’s value) as “c:\\pp.exe”

What is %% f in batch file?

%f is a “for-variable” or “loop-variable” (I also heard the term “Metavariable”). It’s valid only within the for loop and has no meaning after the for loop ends. Environment variables are manipulated with the set command (see set /? ), for for-variables, there are “modifiers” (see for /? )

What is == in batch file?

[ == ] (Double Equals) The “IF” command uses this to test if two strings are equal: IF “%1” == “” GOTO HELP. means that if the first parameter on the command line after the batch file name is equal to nothing, that is, if a first parameter is not given, the batch file is to go to the HELP label.

How do I find my registry in command prompt?

This command can be used to retrieve values of any key from within the registry.

  1. Syntax. REG QUERY [ROOT\]RegKey /v ValueName [/s] REG QUERY [ROOT\]RegKey /ve –This returns the (default) value.
  2. Example. @echo off REG QUERY HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows\
  3. Output.

How do I run a registry file silently?

To add a . reg file silently to your Windows registry, you can use the regedit command. As almost always, the /s parameter is for silent and /q for quiet.

How do I run a registry file?

How to open Registry Editor in Windows 10

  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type regedit, then select Registry Editor (Desktop app) from the results.
  2. Right-click Start , then select Run. Type regedit in the Open: box, and then select OK.

What does %f do in CMD?

Loop command: against a set of files – conditionally perform a command against each item. FOR /F processing of a text file consists of reading the file, one line of text at a time and then breaking the line up into individual items of data called ‘tokens’.

What does 1 mean in a batch file?

When used in a command line, script, or batch file, %1 is used to represent a variable or matched string. For example, in a Microsoft batch file, %1 can print what is entered after the batch file name. Each of these matched strings or variables can also be extended upon by increasing the value.

What is the purpose of a batch file?

A batch file is a text file that contains a sequence of commands for a computer operating system. It’s called a batch file because it batches (bundles or packages) into a single file a set of commands that would otherwise have to be presented to the system interactively from a keyboard one at a time.

What Is percent in batch file?

The percent sign is used in batch files to represent command line parameters: %1 , %2 , Two percent signs with any characters in between them are interpreted as a variable: echo %myvar%

How is the registry organized?

The registry is a hierarchical database that contains data that is critical for the operation of Windows and the applications and services that run on Windows. The data is structured in a tree format. Each node in the tree is called a key. Each key can contain both subkeys and data entries called values.

How do I get into registry?

Click Start or press the Windows key . In the Start menu, either in the Run box or the Search box, type regedit and press Enter . In Windows 8, you can type regedit on the Start screen and select the regedit option in the search results. In Windows 10, type regedit in the Search box on the taskbar and press Enter .

When to use if / else statement in batch script?

If so, then it echo’s a string to the command prompt. Since the condition of the second ‘if’ statement evaluates to false, the echo part of the statement will not be executed. The above command produces the following output. The ‘if else’ statement can also be used for checking of command line arguments.

How to check if a registry key exists?

How do I check if a key is present in the windows registry This can be done using reg query key: This command will set %errorlevel%. errorlevel=0means the key exists. errorlevel=1means the key does not exist. Example batch file

What can the if statement be used for?

The ‘if else’ statement can also be used for checking of command line arguments. The following example show how the ‘if’ statement can be used to check for the values of the command line arguments.

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