Does Linda have a crush on Francine?

Does Linda have a crush on Francine?

Linda Memari is the wife of Bob Memari. Linda is likely bisexual or lesbian, as she has been shown to have a crush on Francine, and she and her husband have little to no sexual relations.

Who plays Linda on American Dad?

Megyn Price
“American Dad!” Not Particularly Desperate Housewife (TV Episode 2005) – Megyn Price as Linda Memari – IMDb.

What is the age of Francine Diaz?

17 years (January 27, 2004)
Francine Diaz/Age

What race is Francine?

Francine is also black. This is something I realized later on, since on the show Arthur and in the books race isn’t shown as a problem or a stigma, generally. The subtlety vanishes when one becomes an adult, however, and rewatches the episode on YouTube.

Who voices Steve Smith?

Scott GrimesAmerican Dad
Steve Smith/Voiced by

Steven Anita “Steve” Smith (born May 13, 1992) is a fictional character in the animated television series American Dad!, voiced by Scott Grimes.

Who voices Hayley Smith?

Edwige LemoineAmerican Dad
Hayley Smith/Voiced by

What is Francine Diaz real name?

Francine Carrel Saenz Diaz
Francine Diaz/Full name

Who is the real father of Francine Diaz?

JM Diaz
Francine Diaz/Fathers

What animal was Muffy?

Mary Alice “Muffy” Crosswire (voiced by Melissa Altro) is a monkey girl who usually has long red hair, which she usually wears in two braids adorned with purple bows that usually match her purple and white dress.

Who voices Jeff Fisher?

Jeffrey Todd Fischer (born August 10, 1968) is an American voice actor known for his work in commercials, cartoons, and video games….Jeff Fischer (actor)

Jeff Fischer
Born Jeffrey Todd Fischer August 10, 1968 United States
Occupation Voice actor, vintner
Years active 1998–present

How old is Lonstein?

Schmuely “Snot” Lonstein (born May 23, 1990) is a student who attends Pearl Bailey High School with Steve and their other friends Barry and Toshi. Snot is a nickname given to him by the group.

What kind of relationship does Linda have with Francine?

Linda and Francine became best friends and would spend time together. Linda is likely bisexual or lesbian, as she has been shown to have a crush on Francine, and she and her husband have little to no sexual relations.

What did Francine say to Linda on American Dad?

Francine thanks Linda for faking that kiss, though Linda awkwardly thanks her, then says she needs to go home to her husband because “she loves him”, and then runs off. Pilot (American Dad!) Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Why did Francine refuse to write love letters?

However, Francine does not want to cheat on Stan, nor does she involve the valet in her charade. She at first pretends to write love letters but is pushed for more. When Francine refuses to show her lover to the Ladybugs, she asks to leave the organization.

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