What does def mean when texting?

What does def mean when texting?

DEF means “Definitely (also DEFF)”.

What is def slang?

The definition of def is a slang term that is excellent or first-rate. An example of def used as an adjective is in the phrase “that music is def,” which means the music is excellent.

What is this text message means?

: a short message sent electronically usually from one cell phone to another.

What are the symbols used in texting?

List of Common Text Message Symbols Meanings

Message Symbol
End of text ETX
Face to face F2F
For 4
Forever 4EVER or 4EVA

What does def stand for?

Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) is a non-hazardous solution, which is 32.5% urea and 67.5% de-ionized water. DEF is sprayed into the exhaust stream of diesel vehicles to break down dangerous NOx emissions into harmless nitrogen and water.

What is the full form of Def?

Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF; also known as AUS 32 and marketed as AdBlue) is a liquid used to reduce the amount of air pollution created by a diesel engine.

How do you use def in a sentence?

I think i ‘ve def missed the boat on this posting but thought I should clarify anyway.

What does :’) mean in texting?

The :’) emoticon usually indicates that the sender found something so funny it brought tears to their eyes (i.e., they were crying with joy. However, it may also be used to express a sad smile. As (almost) always, context is crucial! :'( (crying) /: (flirting)

What does CXX mean in a text message?

What does CXX mean? one hundred twenty, 120, cxx(adj) being ten more than one hundred ten.

What does 3 dots mean in texting?

Screenshot/Tech Insider If you use Apple’s iMessage, then you know about the “typing awareness indicator” — the three dots that appear on your screen to show you when someone on the other end of your text is typing. And the indicator doesn’t always disappear when someone stops typing.

What does (!) Mean in texting?

(!) means “Sarcasm.”

What does sup mean in texting?

What’s up?
Sup is defined as slang for the expression, “What’s up?”

What does that mean in a text?

Text(noun) a discourse or composition on which a note or commentary is written; the original words of an author, in distinction from a paraphrase, annotation, or commentary. Text(noun) the four Gospels, by way of distinction or eminence.

What are some common abbreviations used in text messaging?

Many of the common abbreviations used in text messaging are shortened versions of expressions, such as AAMOF for “as a matter of fact” IMHO for “in my humble opinion,” or PLMK for please let me know.”. Other common terms include: BBS: Be back soon.

What does X mean in a text message?

BBS stands for “be back soon” in common text parlance. In text messaging, a smile can be written as 🙂 or =). LOL is a common abbreviation in text messaging meaning laugh out loud. “X” means “kiss” in text messaging. Most text messaging abbreviations are acronyms. Emoticons are often used in texting to convey emotion.

What does the text message symbol mean?

Symbols in text messaging are meant to represent expressions by the sender. For example, some symbols can represent facial expressions so you will imagine as if the sender is actually in front of you. Other symbols are used to shorten words that otherwise would have been longer to send. /philip ice.

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