What is Vosdal?

What is Vosdal?

VOSDAL stands for Viewing On Same Day As Live. For example, if a film starts at 5.30pm and is recorded for viewing later the same evening, say 9.00pm, this viewing is captured and reported in the overnight file published the following day.

What does BARB measure?

The Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) is a British organisation that compiles audience measurement and television ratings in the United Kingdom.

What is BARB data?

BARB provides television audience data on a minute-by-minute basis for channels received within the UK. The data is available for reporting nationally for terrestrial, satellite and cable reception for both analogue and digital platforms and at ITV and BBC regional level.

How are BARB figures calculated?

TV ratings are compiled daily by the Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board. BARB recruits 12,000 people across 5,100 households representative of the overall UK viewing public. As well as demography and geography the panel is selected according to platform, whether the TV set or via desktop, laptop or tablet.

Does recording a TV show count for ratings?

Q • I’ve always wondered whether, when you DVR a show, it is counted as being watched live in the ratings. Are they able to detect that? A • They are. As the ways we watch television expand and change, the people making television have sought new ways to figure out who is watching.

Do TV viewing figures include recordings?

The simple answer: they don’t. Any out of home viewing (apart from that done on select portable devices owned by their panellists) isn’t recorded. However, this might not be as big a problem as it seems, with only 6% of people watching TV out of a house, according to BARB research.

What is BARB’s role?

Founded by the major players in the UK television and advertising industry, BARB is responsible for delivering the UK’s television audience ratings.

What is BARB panel?

The BARB panel is a sample of carefully recruited households and together, these represent television viewing across the nation. Our target is to maintain a panel of 5,300 homes (including 200 broadband-only homes) that are representative of household type, demographics, TV platform and geography.

What is a BARB panel?

How is BARB funded?

Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) • BARB is a non-profit making limited company, funded by the major players in the industry it supports – BBC, ITV, Channel 4, five, BSkyB and the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising).

How does Barb conduct audience research?

We deliver a 360° Audience View across linear channels and broadcaster VOD services, and have emerging capabilities for reporting SVOD and video-sharing platforms. Audience data collected from a representative panel of UK homes is integrated each day with a census-level count of viewing to BVOD services.

How do networks know how many viewers?

Nielsen uses a technique called statistical sampling to rate the shows. Nielsen creates a “sample audience” and then counts how many in that audience view each program. Nielsen then extrapolates from the sample and estimates the number of viewers in the entire population watching the show.

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