Does CoQ10 interact with anything?

Does CoQ10 interact with anything?

Possible interactions include: Anticoagulants. CoQ10 might make blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin (Jantoven), less effective. This could increase the risk of a blood clot.

What drugs does CoQ10 interact with?

Mild interactions of Coenzyme Q10 include:

  • atorvastatin.
  • fluvastatin.
  • glyburide.
  • insulin aspart.
  • insulin detemir.
  • insulin glargine.
  • insulin glulisine.
  • insulin lispro.

What meds Cannot be taken with CoQ10?

Taking CoQ10 can lower blood sugar levels as well, which can be problematic for people with diabetes and anyone using medication to control hyperglycemia. It can also interact with blood thinners, so people who use drugs like aspirin or warfarin should be particularly cautious, Dr. Sukol said.

Who shouldnt take CoQ10?

People with chronic diseases such as heart failure, kidney or liver problems, or diabetes should be wary of using this supplement. CoQ10 may lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

Does CoQ10 interfere with blood pressure meds?

Blood pressure medications: CoQ10 may work with blood pressure medications to lower blood pressure. In a clinical study of people taking blood pressure medications, adding CoQ10 supplements allowed them to reduce the doses of these medications.

Can I take aspirin and CoQ10 together?

No interactions were found between aspirin and CoQ10.

Can CoQ10 cause anxiety?

As with other supplements that boost energy levels, CoQ10 users have reported side effects such as slight stomach upset, headaches, feeling jittery or “wired,” and experiencing mild insomnia. Other side effects reported less often include palpitations, anxiety, dizziness, irritability, and rarely, rashes.

Can you take Tylenol with CoQ10?

Interactions between your drugs No interactions were found between acetaminophen and CoQ10. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

Can you take CoQ10 with aspirin?

Can cq10 cause heart palpitations?

Do cardiologists recommend CoQ10?

Researchers report that CoQ10 may have significant benefits for people with cardiovascular disease (CVD), from reducing risk for repeat heart attacks and improving outcomes in patients with heart failure to lowering blood pressure and helping combat side effects of cholesterol-lowering statins.

Can you take vitamin D with CoQ10?

Interactions between your drugs No interactions were found between CoQ10 and Vitamin D3. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

How does co-enzyme Q10 ( CoQ10 ) interact with medication?

Co-Enzyme Q10 is structurally similar to vitamin K. Warfarin works by inhibiting the synthesis of vitamin K, which is an important component of many clotting factors in the body. There is a potential chance to have a decreased response to warfarin when Co-Enzyme Q10 is taken concurrently and should be avoided unless monitored approrpriately.

Are there any interactions between coenzyme Q10 and warfarin?

This suggests that CoQ10 may enhance the effectiveness of certain blood pressure medications, but more research is needed to verify these results. Blood-thinning medications — There have been reports that coenzyme Q10 may decrease the effectiveness of blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin)…

Are there any side effects to taking CoQ10?

Coq10 Side Effects. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

What are the side effects of ubiquinone CoQ10?

What are the side effects of Coq10 (Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q-10))? Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives; difficult breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

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