What do you say at a career expo?

What do you say at a career expo?

7 Kinds of Questions to Ask at a Career Fair to Make a Great Impression

  • Ask About a Particular Role.
  • Ask About the Hiring Process.
  • Ask About Their Experience.
  • Ask About Growth and Development.
  • Ask About the Company’s Products, Services, or Recent News.
  • Ask About Company Culture.
  • Ask How You Can Stay in Touch.

What do you do at a career expo?

A career Expo is an event where employers, community partners and professionals meet with prospective job seekers, interns and volunteers. Company representatives usually have tables or booths where resumes can be collected, questions can be answered, and business cards can be exchanged.

What is the most asked questions in an interview?

Your Ultimate Guide to Answering the Most Common Interview Questions

  • Tell Me About Yourself.
  • How Did You Hear About This Position?
  • Why Do You Want to Work at This Company?
  • Why Do You Want This Job?
  • Why Should We Hire You?
  • What Can You Bring to the Company?
  • What Are Your Greatest Strengths?

How can I talk to a recruitment agency?

The recruitment agency is the first step of your application process whether it is online or over the phone….Tips for Calling a Recruitment Agency

  1. Introduce yourself. The first thing you should always do when calling someone is to introduce yourself.
  2. Do your research.
  3. Keep a record.

Why are career expos good?

A college career fair gives students a positive start in their career search as well as valuable skills for future career searches. Employers find the students they need to fill entry-level positions. And your campus benefits from increased visibility, high employment rates, and better rankings.

Why should I attend career expos?

Whether you’re a student or seasoned professional, career expos can provide a valuable experience. Attending a career expo puts you face to face with people who can answer career questions and guide you on your professional path.

What to expect at a job fair in Michigan?

Network your way into fresh job opportunities by attending one of our career fairs. Well-planned diversity job fairs attract a wide range of applicants. Michigan employers are hiring. Learn new job skills. Many companies already understand the value of a diverse workplace.

Are there job fairs for people with disabilities in Detroit?

Largest Detroit Job Fairs for People With Disabilities. Bring qualified candidates together with major employers. Hired In Michigan Career Institute certificate programs offer the opportunity to increase your earning potential over time as you advance in your career.

How to get a job in Detroit MI?

Millions of Americans struggle to find jobs or are stuck in low-wage positions we connect people with better jobs in several Metro Detroit cities. Plenty of great jobs. All you need is a great resume, a good suit, a warm smile, and firm handshake. Several Michigan employers are hiring veterans.

Are there jobs for ex felons in Michigan?

Several Michigan employers are hiring veterans. Career Training can be an excellent option for ex offenders and felons looking for jobs. We know the job search isn’t easy, learning new skills in a high-demand career field can help you. We have the largest selection of employers hiring diverse, multi-cultural, and qualified candidates.

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