What are ferrofluids used for in computers?

What are ferrofluids used for in computers?

Ferrofluid is used in rotary seals in computer hard drives and other rotating shaft motors, and in loudspeakers to dampen vibrations. In medicine, ferrofluid is used as a contrast agent for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Why are ferrofluids important?

A major benefit of ferrofluid is that the liquid can be forced to flow via the positioning and strength of the magnetic field and so the ferrofluid can be positioned very exactly. Ferrofluids also have the capability of reducing friction, making them useful in a variety of electronic and transportation applications.

How are ferrofluids made?

Ferrofluids are made up of tiny magnetic fragments of iron suspended in oil (often kerosene) with a surfactant to prevent clumping (usually oleic acid). The oily fluid prevents debris from entering hard drives when a small amount is placed between the magnets and shaft.

What is the meaning of ferrofluid?

Ferrofluid is a liquid that is attracted to the poles of a magnet. It is a colloidal liquid made of nanoscale ferromagnetic, or ferrimagnetic, particles suspended in a carrier fluid (usually an organic solvent or water).

Why do ferrofluids Spike?

When a strong magnet is placed near the ferrofluid, spikes are observed. The spikes arise from the tendency of the particles to line up along the magnetic field lines to lower their energy. Surface tension of the fluid, however, limits the extent to which the particles can align themselves with the field.

How does a Ferrofluidic seal work?

The Ferrofluidics seal uses the response of a magnetic fluid to an externally applied magnetic field. The seal has a permanent magnet, two pole pieces, a magnetically permeable, multi-staged shaft, and the ferrofluid (see drawing). Ferrofluidics use a standard ultra-low vapor pressure synthetic hydrocarbon-based fluid.

Who discovered ferrofluids?

Steve Papell
The first ferrofluid was invented by a NASA engineer named Steve Papell in the early 1960s. His idea was that if you add these magnetic nanoparticles to fuel, you can move it around in zero gravity with a magnetic field. That didn’t really pan out. But since then, ferrofluids have been used far and wide.

Are ferrofluids toxic?

Degeneration and necrosis of viscera were not found. So the nano-magnetic ferrofluid, of which toxicity is very low, may be used as a drug carrier.

Who invented ferrofluids?

Is it safe to touch ferrofluid?

Can you touch ferrofluid? You most certainly can but it is not recommended. Ferrofluids are considered a major skin irritant. Once you contact the ferrofluid with your finger, the liquid quickly begins to travel up the ridges of your finger and around your nail.

How are ferrofluids used in the computer industry?

This property is useful in creating seals in computer parts. Magnets inside hard drives are used to hold the ferrofluid in place, creating a tight seal to prevent dust from getting in the hard drive. Because the ferrofluids are a liquid, their use eliminates friction during rotation of the hard drive disks.

How are ferrofluids prepared in a liquid medium?

Ferrofluids are prepared by suspending tiny particles (10 nm diameter) of magnetic solids in a liquid medium. The liquid medium fluid can be water or an organic solvent. When a magnetic field is applied to a ferrofluid, the entire liquid pulls towards the magnetic field by the nanoparticles attracted to the field.

What are the uses of a ferrofluid seal?

Ferrofluid seals are also used to remove dust particles in high-speed computer disk drives. They prevent dust and other impurities from the drives hence protecting the data-reading heads from crashing into the disks. 3. Loudspeakers

Where did the discovery of ferrofluids come from?

Ferrofluids were originally discovered in the 1960s at the NASA Research Center, where scientists were investigating different possible methods of controlling liquids in space.

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