What does it mean to be the backbone?

What does it mean to be the backbone?

the part of something that makes it successful or strong. Ordinary volunteers form the backbone of most charitable organizations. Synonyms and related words. Important thing or detail.

What does backbone mean metaphorically?

A backbone is a symbol of strength in character, an unwillingness to be used or taken for granted, and a firm commitment to uphold one’s decisions and feelings. We’ve all seen and heard of people who have a backbone; they are the strong ones, the ones who get what they want. Do you feel taken advantage of?

What is the idiom for a backbone?

n. courage; integrity. (Colloquial.) If you had any backbone, you would be able to deal with this.

What is the backbone of the community?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishthe backbone of somethingthe backbone of somethingthe most important part of an organization or group of people Farmers are the backbone of this community. Farmers’ activities, which are the backbone of the rural economy, are vital to the survival of whole communities.

What is the synonym of backbone?

strength of character, strength of will, firmness of purpose, firmness, resolution, resolve, determination, fortitude, mettle, moral fibre, spine, steel, nerve, spirit, pluck, pluckiness, courage, courageousness, bravery, braveness, valour, manliness.

What is the backbone of society?

Family is the backbone of society, to build it is the oldest social system and the most continues.

What is backbone short answer?

Back bone is also called as vertebral column and spine. It consists of the row of connected vertebrate bones. It protects the spinal cord. It also provides attachment for the pectoral and pelvic girdles and many muscles.

What does backbone of the family mean?

It means that they are the ones that support the family. Without them, the family would crumble. For instance, a backbone (or spine) carries most of your weight.

What word means no backbone?

An invertebrate is an animal without a backbone. Invertebrates are the opposite: they have no backbone. These are the two major groups of animals. Also, this word is used for people who are spineless in the sense of having no courage. You could say a coward acts in an invertebrate way.

What is the backbone of a business?

Your customers are the backbone of your business. They’re the key to your success in the present and future.

Is family the backbone of society?

The family is called the Backbone of Society because it performs many vital tasks. Families socialize the young, provide emotional and financial support for its members, and regulates sexual activity. Sociologists tell us that families in the US are socially diverse.

Why is family considered the backbone of society?

The family is the backbone of society and government. They are there when we need them most. It is important to protect the family from intervening causes. The sanctity of the family is important because it helps humanity become better people by teaching them to care for others.

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