What is an example of exclaimed?

What is an example of exclaimed?

“Here he comes!” someone exclaimed. She exclaimed in delight over the Christmas tree. The children exclaimed with wonder when they saw the elephant.

What is an example of occurred?

Occurred Sentence Examples An idea occurred to her. Why hadn’t it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced? It occurred to her that he might push her off it. He made an excellent companion, a fact that hadn’t occurred to her before that moment.

What is a sentence for exclaimed?

Exclaimed sentence example. “I found it!” she exclaimed as soon as I answered her call. “Seriously?” she exclaimed in disbelief. “Jonny!” she exclaimed , rushing forward.

What is an example of consider?

The definition of consider is to decide, keep in mind, or believe as true. An example of consider is thinking about two possible options. An example of consider is believing a person committed a crime after seeing evidence.

What is the sentence of groaned?

The wounded man groaned in pain. She groaned when she saw the bill. “Oh, no,” she groaned, “I’m going to have to start all over.” She groaned that she would have to start all over.

How do you use delight in a sentence?

Delight sentence example

  1. He was a delight to behold.
  2. She gasped her delight and smiled up at him.
  3. Destiny squealed with delight and did it again.
  4. I never lost a jot of my delight in this great park.
  5. Children should be encouraged to read for the pure delight of it.
  6. I recall with delight that home-going.

How do you use occurred?

Occurred sentence example

  1. An idea occurred to her.
  2. Why hadn’t it occurred to her that Jonathan might feel he was being replaced?
  3. It occurred to her that he might push her off it.
  4. He made an excellent companion, a fact that hadn’t occurred to her before that moment.

What do you mean occurred?

intransitive verb. 1 : to be found or met with : appear This bird occurs in New England in the spring. 2 : to come into existence : happen The accident occurred at 5 p.m. 3 : to come to mind an idea that has occurred to me.

How do you use exclaim as a verb?

exclaim to say something suddenly and loudly, especially because of a strong emotion: ‘It isn’t fair! ‘ he exclaimed angrily….

  1. She opened her eyes and exclaimed in delight at the scene.
  2. + speech ‘It isn’t fair! ‘, he exclaimed angrily.
  3. exclaim that… She exclaimed that it was useless.

What is considerate person?

Being considerate is being polite and caring. People like it when you’re considerate of their feelings. Asking someone how they feel is usually considerate. A considerate person is kind and thoughtful — a good person to know.

What does it mean to be a considered person?

adjective. thought about or decided upon with care: a considered opinion. regarded with respect or esteem: a highly considered person.

What is the sentence of creaked and groaned?

The old stairs creaked and groaned as I climbed them and suddenly, I felt very much like an intruder. As a teenager we lived in a large, rambling old house which creaked and groaned like an old man’s knees. The large wooden doors of the gate creaked and groaned as they slowly swung from their resting place.

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