How do you make line follower robot with Arduino and L293D?

How do you make line follower robot with Arduino and L293D?

Make a Line Follower Robot Using L293D Motor Driver Module Interfacing with Arduino Uno – KT682

  1. Arduino Uno with USB cable – 1.
  2. IR Sensor Module – 2.
  3. Jumper wires (male to male ) – 40 pieces.
  4. Jumper wires (male to female ) – 40 pieces.
  5. 9V Battery – 2.
  6. Snapper with DC Jack – 1.
  7. Snapper – 1.
  8. Breadboard 170 points – 1.

How do you use a L293D motor driver module with Arduino?

Connect 5V to Enable 1 , Vss , and Vs on the L293D. Connect digital output pins (we’re using 6 and 7) to input 1 and input 2 on the L293D. Connect your Arduino’s GND to both GND pins on the same side of the L293D. Finally, connect output 1 and output 2 of the L293D to your motor pins.

How do you make a line follower robot with Arduino?


  1. Step 1: Connect the circuit as shown in the schematic.
  2. Step 2: Use the Arduino IDE to write your own code.
  3. Step 3: Upload your code to the Arduino and connect it to the batteries or you can even use a power bank to run the Arduino.
  4. Step 4: Test it on a black path.

How do you make a line follower?

Step 2: Hardware Installation

  1. Assemble the 2WD Smart Car Chasis 2 Wheels.
  2. Connect the IR sensor to Analog to Digital and Comparator Module.
  3. Then, connect the output pin to Arduino UNO analog pin.
  4. Connect Vin to 5V and GND to GND in Arduino UNO.
  5. Then, connect the motor driver pin to Arduino UNO pin.

How do you make a line follower robot without Arduino?

Line Follower Robot Without Arduino or Microcontroller

  1. Step 1: Collect the Material. Two IR sensor. Two Dc geared motor 100/150 RPM.
  2. Step 2: Connect the Circuit. Here two circuit are shown 1st is on breadboard and other is schematic.
  3. Step 3: L Have a Video for You. This is youtube link so see this video…
  4. 8 Comments. Abhi909.

What is L293D motor driver module?

The Motor Driver is a module for motors that allows you to control the working speed and direction of two motors simultaneously . This Motor Driver is designed and developed based on L293D IC. L293D is a 16 Pin Motor Driver IC. This is designed to provide bidirectional drive currents at voltages from 5 V to 36 V.

How do I connect Arduino Uno to motor driver?

Arduino Motor Control Setup

  1. Connect 5V and ground of the IC to 5V and ground of Arduino.
  2. Connect the motor to pins 2 and 3 of the IC.
  3. Connect IN1 of the IC to pin 8 of Arduino.
  4. Connect IN2 of the IC to pin 9 of Arduino.
  5. Connect EN1 of IC to pin 2 of Arduino.
  6. Connect SENS A pin of IC to the ground.

How do I connect my Arduino motor Shield?

Plug the shield into the Arduino and connect a stepper motor to motor port 2 – unlike DC motors, the wire order does ‘matter’. Connect to the top two terminal ports (coil #1) and the bottom two terminal ports (coil #2). If you have a bipolar motor, do not connect to the middle pin (GND).

What is line following robot using Arduino?

As the name suggests, the line follower robot is an automated vehicle that follows a visual line embedded on the surface. As the name suggests, the line follower robot is an automated vehicle that follows a visual line embedded on the surface. This visual line is a path on which the line follower robot runs.

What is the software required for line follower robot?

Software Required: BASCOM-AVR Integrated Development Environment (IDE) AVRDUDE-GUI. WinAVR-2010. USBasp Driver.

How do you make a robot follow a black line?


  1. Start the program.
  2. Start motors B and C (drive forward with a curve toward the line).
  3. Wait for the Color Sensor to detect the color black.
  4. Start motors B and C (drive forward with a curve away from the line).
  5. Wait for the Color Sensor to detect the color white.
  6. Repeat steps 2 to 5 forever.

How is the l293d Motor Driver Module used?

The data from the sensors (IR Sensors) is transmitted to the Arduino Uno and it gives corresponding signals to the L293D Motor Driver Module. Motor Driver Module: Here, L293D Motor Driver Module is being used to drive the motors of the robot. It receives signals from Arduino Uno Board based on the information passed by the IR Sensors.

How to setup Arduino Uno with l293d motor driver?

The IN1 Pin of L293D Motor Driver Module is being connected to the Digital Pin 11 of the Arduino Uno. Connect 9/12V Power Supply to the 9/12V Pin of the L293D Motor Driver Module. Here, we are using 9V Battery for Power Supply. Sno. /* The setup () function is called when a sketch starts.

What is maximum current of Arduino l293d driver shield?

L293D shield is a driver board based on L293 IC, which can drive 4 DC motors and 2 stepper or Servo motors at the same time. Each channel of this module has the maximum current of 1.2A and doesn’t work if the voltage is more than 25v or less than 4.5v. So be careful with choosing the proper motor according to its nominal voltage and current.

Can a line follower Robot be made with Arduino?

Line follower Robot is one of the first robots that beginners and students would get their first robotic experience with. In this project, we have designed a simple Line Follower Robot using Arduino and some other components.

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