How big do blue atlas cedars get?

How big do blue atlas cedars get?

The Atlas cedar grows to a height of 40–60′ and a spread of 30–40′ at maturity.

How long does it take a blue Atlas cedar to grow?

The blue Atlas cedar is part of the Pinaceae (pine) family as well as the Cedrus genus, and grows slowly (less than a foot a year), eventually reaching heigh maturity after ten or so years.

Do blue atlas cedars have invasive roots?

Blue Atlas Cedar Trees have a shallow root system so they need to be watered often in the first year after being planted. If the soil is sandy or drains really quickly or if it’s been excessively hot out, you should check the soil around your tree to see if it’s getting enough water.

Will blue Atlas cedar grow in shade?

Blue atlas cedars grow best in full sun or partial shade. Soil conditions can be clay, loamy or sandy as long as they are well-draining. The tree can be difficult to transplant and should be started from container-grown plants.

How do you keep blue atlas cedars small?

To maintain blue atlas cedar as a foundation plant, it is essential to regularly prune it to keep it in shape. Prune it back in early spring before growth begins. Make sure that you keep some young growth and not remove more than a third of the plant.

Do blue atlas cedars lose needles?

It’s normal for Blue Atlas Cedars to drop a few needles during the fall months, but it’s not normal for them to drop all of the needles at once.

What kills blue atlas cedar?

Cypress bark beetles (Phloeosinus cristatus) can be serious pests of blue Atlas cedar. These 1/10-inch-long, shiny, black to reddish brown beetles may dig galleries up to 3 inches long inside of infested tree trunks and branches to mate and lay their eggs, which hatch into small, white grubs with brown heads.

What zone does blue atlas cedar grow in?

Plant these cedars in the sun or in partial shade. They thrive in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 8. In California or Florida, they can also be planted in zone 9. The trees grow fast at first and then slower as they age.

Can you prune a blue atlas cedar?

Is there a dwarf blue atlas cedar?

The dwarf blue Atlas cedar will reach 10 feet tall at maturity and has a spread of 5 to 6 feet. Like other Atlas cedars, this tree is slow-growing and nursery stock can take 10 years to reach its full height. In general, the dwarf blue Atlas cedar will put on 6 to 8 inches of growth per year.

How tall does a blue Atlas cedar tree grow?

It grows rapidly to 15 feet within 10 years, ultimately reaching 60 feet tall and 40 feet wide, and even more in its maturity. The short needles grow in clusters along the branches, and they are a vibrant, striking blue-silver color. Younger trees have an upright, conical crown, becoming more spreading and forming a broad pyramid, as it develops.

Who is the expert on Blue Atlas cedar?

Vanessa Richins Myers is a seasoned horticulturist, garden writer and educator with 10+ years of experience in the horticulture and gardening space. If you are looking for a unique, eye-catching tree to grab attention in your landscape, consider planting a blue Atlas cedar.

When to prune a blue Atlas cedar tree?

Blue atlas cedar grows very well so it needs pruning early spring if you see any dead needles and branches else it’s not needed. In the United States there are 3 types of cedar trees which are Deodar , Lebanon and Atlas cedar all these 3 don’t need pruning.

What kind of wood can Atlas cedar be used for?

Because the aromatic oil the tree produces is a natural deterrent for insects, wood from this cedar is commonly used in chests and furniture drawers. The atlas cedar can be expected to grow in Hardiness Zones 6–9. View Map This is an evergreen tree, keeping its foliage year-round.

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