What is the currency used in Guinea-Bissau?

What is the currency used in Guinea-Bissau?

West African CFA franc
The currency in Guinea-Bissau is the West African Financial Community franc (XOF). Guinea-Bissau is very much a cash economy. Credit cards are rarely used and there are few ATMs. The CFA Franc is the local currency.

What is the capital and currency of Guinea-Bissau?


Republic of Guinea-Bissau República da Guiné-Bissau (Portuguese)
Location of Guinea-Bissau (dark blue) – in Africa (light blue & dark grey) – in the African Union (light blue)
Capital and largest city Bissau 11°52′N 15°36′W
Official languages Portuguese
Spoken languages show List:

What genre of music is popular in Guinea?

The music of Guinea-Bissau is most widely associated with the polyrhythmic genre of gumbe, the country’s primary musical export. Tina and tinga are other popular genres.

What is the official language of Guinea-Bissau?

Guinea-Bissau/Official languages
The official language of Guinea-Bissau is Portuguese, which is spoken by 11% of the population. The local dialect is called Crioulo or Kiriol. French is also learned in schools, as Guinea-Bissau is surrounded by French-speaking countries and is a full member of the Francophonie as well as the Lusophone CPLP.

What is the name of Mozambique currency?

Mozambican metical

What is the currency used in Ivory Coast?

Côte d’Ivoire/Currencies

Is Guinea-Bissau a poor country?

Guinea-Bissau has been plagued by political instability since it became independent in 1974, resulting in a lack of development and high levels of poverty. Nearly 70 percent live below the poverty line, with high infant and maternal mortality rates and a countrywide chronic malnutrition rate of over 25 percent.

What is Liberian currency?

Liberian dollar

What is the most popular sport in Guinea?

Football is the most popular sport in the country of Guinea. It is run by the Guinean Football Federation. The association administers the national football team, as well as the national league.

What music is in Guinea?

Traditional / folk songs for Guinea

  • Song: Désolé By: Mory Kanté folk music of Guinea, traditional music of Guinea, kora.
  • Song: Sidi Baba.
  • Song: Hassiminka.
  • Song: Doundounba.
  • Song: Key Hin Bala.
  • Song: Likala Wuya.
  • Song: Kenssa.
  • Song: Morigbé

What percentage of Guinea-Bissau speaks Portuguese?


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