How do you defend against a good dribbler?

How do you defend against a good dribbler?

The defender must:

  1. Apply pressure by closing the distance between himself and the dribbling attacker, then angle his body to cut off the option of going one way.
  2. Close the space to touching distance before making a tackle.
  3. Stay on his feet unless he is certain of winning the ball.

What are the 4 Ds of defending?

Coaching Points: It was at the start of the session where I introduced the 4 S’s of defending. They are Shut Down, Slow Down, Sit Down and Show Down. Shut Down = Pressure. Close down the space between you and the opposition player as quickly as possible.

What are the principles of 1 vs 1 defending?

There are three key principles to successful 1 vs. 1 defending: Quick Pressure- The player nearest the ball must “close the space” as quickly as possible as soon as the ball is played to his opponent. You should close ground on your opponent as the ball is traveling to the attacker, do not wait until he/she has received the ball.

How to defend 1 v 1 in soccer?

Players will better understand technique of Defending 1 v. 1 and the principle of pressure. High to low, fast to slow, angle on. Watch hips of defender. Pivot (have a front foot). Verbal communication. Where do we want to force the play and what does our body shape say?

Can a 2 nd defender beat a 1 St defender?

The 2 nd defender mustn’t get too close to the 1 st defender. He should never position himself in a way that the 1 st attacker can beat both the 1 st and 2 nd defender in the same movement. However the 2 nd defender must not be too far away from the 1 st defender.

What is the role of the 2 nd defender?

The 2 nd defender or “covering defender” should position himself in a way that he can pressure the ball if the 1 st defender is beaten on the dribble, but remain in a position that he can “close the space” on the 2 nd attacker if the player on the ball chooses to pass.

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