How do you respond to what are you doing in Spanish?

How do you respond to what are you doing in Spanish?

One is “¿Qué estás haciendo?” (it literally means “What are you doing?” in Spanish). The other one is “¿Qué hacés?”. It could translate as “What do you do?” in English, but it does not have the same meaning, pay attention here. When we ask “¿Qué hacés?” in Spanish, the answer is the same as we explained before.

What is the most appropriate response to Como Eres?

Responses could be:

  • Soy introvertido(a)
  • Soy extrovertido(a)
  • Soy feliz.
  • Soy serio(a)
  • etc. etc. etc.

How do you respond to Como estas formal?

How do you answer if someone asks you, “¿Cómo estás?” or “How are you?”? The standard answer is probably “Bien” (“Fine”) or “Muy bien” (“Very good”). Of course, both of those responses are often expanded: “Muy bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?” (“Quite well, thank you.

What is the difference between Eres and estas?

“Estás” is the conjugation of the present form of the second person singular of the verb “estar”, and “eres” is the conjugation of the present form of the second person singular of the verb “ser”. Example: tú estas estudiando, tú eres bonita.

What do Como estas mean?

(How are you?)
¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)

Do you say como estas or Como esta?

Como estas is less formal. Como esta usted would be the formal “How are you?”

Is Como estas informal?

If you’d like to say “Hello, how are you?” in Spanish, you can use “*Hola, ¿cómo estás?” (informal/singular). If you are greeting someone in a more formal setting, you’ll want to use “Hola, ¿cómo está?” (formal/singular).

Is Como estas formal or informal?

If you’d like to say “Hello, how are you?” in Spanish, you can use “*Hola, ¿cómo estás?” (informal/singular). If you are greeting someone in a more formal setting, you’ll want to use “Hola, ¿cómo está?” (formal/singular). If you are talking to multiple people, you’d say “Hola, ¿cómo están?* ” (informal/plural).

How do you say Hola como estas?

Hola, ¿cómo estás?

  1. oh. lah. koh. moh. ehs. tahs.
  2. o. la. ko. mo. es. tas.
  3. Ho. la, ¿ có mo. es. tás?

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