What nerve innervates the adductor longus?

What nerve innervates the adductor longus?

The anterior branch of the obturator nerve innervates the adductor longus, adductor brevis, and gracilis muscles, as well as giving innervation to the hip joint.

What is the innervation of the adductors?

The adductor portion of the adductor magnus is innervated by the posterior division of the obturator nerve (L2,3,4). This portion of the muscle is innervated by the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve (L4).

What Innervates the adductor muscles of thigh?

obturator nerve
Adductor magnus has a dual nerve supply; the adductor part is innervated by the posterior division of the obturator nerve (L2-L4), while the hamstring part is innervated by the tibial component of the sciatic nerve (L4-S3).

What Innervates the adductor brevis?

Innervation. The adductor brevis is innervated dually by the anterior and posterior branches of the obturator nerve.

What Innervates obturator Externus?

Obturator nerve
From Lumbar plexus L2-L4
To posterior branch of obturator nerve, anterior branch of obturator nerve
Innervates medial compartment of thigh

What nerve innervates the quadriceps femoris muscle?

The femoral nerve innervates the sartorius, pectineus, and quadriceps femoris, and iliacus muscle of the iliopsoas. It receives nerve supply by the nerve roots L2 through L4, innervating both the hip flexor and quadriceps muscle groups. The femoral nerve is also responsible for anterior thigh and medial leg sensation.

Where is the adductor tubercle?

the femur
The adductor tubercle is a bony protuberance on the medial condyle of the femur and is located superior to the medial epicondyle. It demarcates the inferior most aspect of the medial supracondylar line.

What is adductor longus?

Adductor longus is one of the adductor muscles of the medial thigh. This large fan-shaped muscle is situated most anteriorly of this group and covers the middle part of adductor magnus and the anterior part of adductor brevis.

What is linea aspera?

The linea aspera is a longitudinally-oriented ridge on the posterior aspect of the femur to which several muscles of the thigh attach. It is comprised of medial and lateral lips which diverge at both its superior and inferior ends.

Is the adductor longus anterior or posterior?

The adductor longus, a muscle of the medial compartment of the thigh, is triangular in shape and forms in the floor of the femoral triangle and adductor canal. The muscle originates from the anterior surface of the body of the pubis, inferior to pubic crest and lateral to the pubic symphysis.

Is the obturator externus and adductor?

Obturator externus is located in the pelvis on the anterior aspect of the innominate bones. It covers the obturator foramen and is located deep to pectineus and superior parts of the adductors of the thigh. Its tendon lies deep to the quadratus femoris muscle and separates it from the neck of the femur.

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