What is the difference between canon and imitation?

What is the difference between canon and imitation?

Canons can involve more that two voices and may also be accompanied by a part that is not bound by the primary rules. Imitation can start at different times and on different pitches. While canon is not fugue, many fugues contain portions of canonic imitation. There are two clear examples: stretto and canonic episodes.

What does augmented mean in music?

In Western music and music theory, augmentation (from Late Latin augmentare, to increase) is the lengthening of a note or interval. A major or perfect interval that is widened by a chromatic semitone is an augmented interval, and the process may be called augmentation.

What is a canon in music kids?

A canon is a piece of voices (or instrumental parts) that sing or play the same music starting at different times. A round is a type of canon, but in a round each voice, when it finishes, can start at the beginning again so that the piece can go “round and round”.

What is a canon in literature?

The literary canon can be narrowly defined as that which is accepted as authentic (as for example in the context of distinguishing canonical from apocryphal works in relation to the Bible or to Shakespeare), but it is usually defined more broadly as that which is assumed to be ‘good’ literature, in fact the ‘best’ …

What does canon mean in terms of music?

Canon, musical form and compositional technique, based on the principle of strict imitation, in which an initial melody is imitated at a specified time interval by one or more parts, either at the unison (i.e., the same pitch) or at some other pitch.

What’s the best way to write canon music?

It can be tricky to get the parts to interweave effectively. My advice is to start with a leader melody that is fairly simple and try delaying the entry of the 1st follower line by about 2 bars. This should give you a good start to writing music in Canon Form.

What is the meaning of the word cannon?

Although canon has a variety of meanings, it is most often found in the senses of “a rule or law of a church,” “an accepted rule,” or “a sanctioned or accepted group or body of related works.” A loose cannon is “a dangerously uncontrollable person or thing.” There are no loose canons.

When did the canon of Western music appear?

…in Western polyphony is the canon, in which each successive voice (the term for a musical line that is sung or played) has the same melody. Canon s appeared in the 13th century and have been an important resource in Western counterpoint to the present day. (Folk music includes many examples…

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