How do I read a Northern Ireland registration?

How do I read a Northern Ireland registration?

Similar to other British plates, Northern Ireland format registrations contain an area code to signify where the vehicle was registered. ‘AZ’ is to show Belfast; ‘NZ’ is the code for Londonderry and ‘KZ’ signals Antrim. These kinds of plate also only use the European Union symbol or GB country code for their badges.

How do NI number plates work?

Number plates feature a different three-number year identifier for the first and second six months of a year. For example, a car number plate issued in the first six months of 2019 will begin with the digits 191, and if issued in the second six-month period, they will be 192.

What year is Northern Ireland Car Registrations?

Because Northern Ireland format (commonly known as Irish number plates) registrations are dateless registrations, they can be assigned to vehicles of any age (unlike current-style, prefix numberplates or suffix plates). They have no year indicator whatsoever and cannot therefore be mistaken for those plates which do.

Do all Northern Irish number plates have AZ?

All Northern Ireland style registrations are dateless and as such they do not refer to the year that a vehicle was first registered. Northern Irish registrations are easily identified as they will always contain an I or Z. They are often used as cover plates to hide the age of a vehicle, such as NFZ5329, or CFZ6928.

What will 2021 number plates be in Ireland?

Any new registered vehicle in the first six months of the year will have a registration plate beginning with 201 DL… Any new vehicle in the second half of the year will have a 202 DL…. plate. For 2021, the registration number will begin 211 DL… followed by 212 DL… for the second half of the year.

How do car registrations work?

They are arranged in the format of two letters, followed by two numbers, followed by three more letters. For example, a car that has been registered from March 2021 will have the number 21 as its age identifier. For cars registered between September and February, the code is the year (as of September) plus 50.

Can I change Northern Ireland number plate to UK?

Yes you can change your Irish Registration providing the vehicle is registered in mainland UK. The Private Plate Company offer a scheme whereby we can change your existing Irish registration number to a UK registration for you.

What does TS stand for on an Irish number plate?

Former index mark codes

Code Local authority
LK Limerick County Council
TN North Tipperary County Council
TS South Tipperary County Council
WD Waterford County Council

Can you change to ZV plates?

Unless legislation has changed over the last two years, this IS still possible. You can change your 71-C-xxx registration into a ZV-xxx registration, but not the other way around.

What will the number plate be in 2021?

Upcoming Number Plate Dates

Plate Number Date Range of Plate
20 Plate March 2020 to August 2020
70 Plate September 2020 to February 2021
21 Plate March 2021 to August 2021
71 Plate September 2021 to March 2022

What will the new car reg be in 2021?

So, from 1st March 2021 new cars will have had 21 in their number plate, while new car registrations from 1st September will have 71 reg plates….

Year of car registration Plate from March-onwards Plate from September-onwards
2021 21 71
2022 22 72
2023 23 73
2024 24 74

Can a car be registered in Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland registration plates can be used in Britain, allowing motorists in England, Scotland and Wales to personalise their vehicles with these additional letters. Although the DVLNI issued all new vehicles with the default format ABC 1234, it is possible to get Northern Ireland registration plates with fewer numbers.

How are registration plates issued in Northern Ireland?

Northern Ireland Registration Plates When it comes to number plates, those issued in Northern Ireland are special. While plates in England, Scotland and Wales are issued by the DVLA, plates in Northern Ireland have historically been issued by a different authority, the Driver Vehicle Licensing Northern Ireland, abbreviated DVLNI.

When did car registrations start in the Republic of Ireland?

The Republic of Ireland has its own format for vehicle registrations, officially known as “index marks”. Number plates were introduced in the Republic of Ireland at the same time as they were in Northern Ireland when the Motor Car Act of 1903 was made law in 1904.

When does UK car registration code change to Ni?

International vehicle registration code on the number plates The distinguishing code for the United Kingdom, including Northern Ireland is “GB”. From 28 September 2021, it will change to ” UK”. Number plates featuring other codes, such as “IRL” (the distinguishing code for Ireland) or “NI” are unofficial.

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