Whats is TextTrack?

Whats is TextTrack?

The TextTrack interface—part of the API for handling WebVTT (text tracks on media presentations)—describes and controls the text track associated with a particular <track> element.

Which of the following attribute is used to specify the language of the track text data in a track element?

The HTML srclang Attribute is used to specify the language of the track text. The srclang attribute can be applied on the element: Note: srclang attribute is required with kind = “subtitles”.

Which of the following attribute is used to specify the URL of the track file in a element?

The HTML src attribute is used to specify the URL of the audio files.

How do you use track tags?

The tag must use as child element of and elements. The tag is used to add subtitle, caption, or any other form of text which displayed when a media file plays. HTML is new tag in HTML5….Syntax.

Display None
Start tag/End tag Only start tag(End tag forbidden)
Usage HTML media

What type of tag is Param?

: The Object Parameter element The HTML element defines parameters for an element. None. None, it is an empty element. As it is a void element, the start tag must be present and the end tag must not be present.

What is Oncuechange?

The oncuechange attribute defines a script to run when th ecue changes in a element.

Which method adds a new text track to the audio video?

HTML Audio/Video Methods

Method Description
addTextTrack() Adds a new text track to the audio/video
canPlayType() Checks if the browser can play the specified audio/video type
load() Re-loads the audio/video element
play() Starts playing the audio/video

How do you add a track in HTML?

What is track it tag?

Definition and Usage. The tag specifies text tracks for media elements ( and ). This element is used to specify subtitles, caption files or other files containing text, that should be visible when the media is playing.

What is audio tag in HTML?

In HyperText Markup Language (HTML), an audio tag is a marker for an audio file that is included in a web page. The audio tag works like other HTML tags in that it has an opening and closing piece.

What is a tracking tag?

HTML tag is used to define time-based text tracks for a media file. The tag must use as child element of and elements. The tag is used to add subtitle, caption, or any other form of text which displayed when a media file plays.

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