Where does Gloria Muliro come from?

Where does Gloria Muliro come from?

Vihiga County, Kenya
Gloria Muliro/Place of birth

When was Gloria Muliro born?

April 1, 1980 (age 41 years)
Gloria Muliro/Date of birth

Who is Eric OMBA?

Music Producer and Pastor Eric Omba has for the first time opened up about his failed marriage with Gospel singer Gloria Muliro, stating that it took him 2 years to move on. In an interview with Switch TV, Omba disclosed that moving on was the hardest thing for him to do because he doesn’t believe in divorce.

What tribe is Gloria Muliro?

Gloria Muliro is a Kenyan Gospel singer who currently lives in Nairobi, Kenya. She was born to peasant parents David Omale and Esther Muliro on April 1, 1980. She grew up in her homeland, Vihiga County in Western Kenya.

What tribe is Mercy Masika?

Mercy Masika tribe, Kamba, has helped her minister to those who do not understand the English and Swahili dialect. Since her entrant into the music gospel industry in 1994, Mercy Masika has had five albums and won numerous awards.

Why did Gloria Muliro divorce?

The renowned Gospel singer walked out of her marriage in 2015, citing infidelity and mistreatment. According to Gloria’s ex-husband, Pastor Omba, he did everything in his power to make things right with Gloria but to no avail.

How old is Mercy Masika’s husband?

Who is Mercy Masika husband? David Muguro is a thirty-eight-year-old prominent businessman who doubles up as the Mercy’s manager.

Who is Mercy Masika husband?

Mercy Masika’s husband is David Muguro, a successful Kenyan businessman.

Why did Eunice Njeri leave her husband?

After a private wedding that took place in Texas in 2016, Eunice Njeri’s marriage crumbled and separated with her husband. It is alleged that the gospel singer was not ready for commitment from the beginning after she allegedly signed a ‘blank paper’ instead of the marriage certificate.

Is Eunice Njeri married?

Eunice split from her ex back in 2016, after walking out hours after the wedding. She stated that her biggest struggle remains being ridiculed for leaving her marriage.

Why did Eunice and Njeri divorce?

Who married Mercy Masika?

Gospel power couple Mercy Masika and her husband David Muguro have been married for 12 years.

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