How long have you been 17 Twilight quote?

How long have you been 17 Twilight quote?

…you’re impossibly fast and strong, your skin is pale white and ice cold, your eyes change color…and sometimes you speak like you’re from a different time, you never eat or drink anything, you don’t go in the sunlight…

Why did Stephenie Meyer call it Twilight?

The word twilight was on a list of “words with atmosphere” that I sent her. Though these words were meant to be used in combination with something else, the word twilight stood out to both of us. We decided to try it out, and, after a little adjustment time, it started to work for both of us.

What does Bella say to Edward in the woods?

Bella Swan: I’d rather die than to stay away from you. Bella Swan: [to Edward] I’d rather die than to stay away from you.

What does Bella say when she find out Edwards a vampire?

Bella replies with one simple word: “No.” It is at this point that Bella’s convictions are clear. She is positive that Edward is a vampire, but she doesn’t care because she has already fallen in love with him.

Does Stephenie Meyer hate Twilight?

Stephenie Meyer is clarifying comments she made about being “over” the Twilight franchise. Meyer took to her official website to tell fans that the remarks Variety published were taken out of context, and when she said Twilight was a bad place for her she was referring to the negative criticism over the years.

What is the first line in the movie Twilight?

It’s fitting that the first line of the “Twilight” series goes to the narrator and protagonist, Bella (Kristen Stewart). Her first line is a voice-over, in which she says, “I’d never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.”

Who said and so the lion fell in love with the lamb?

Quote by Stephenie Meyer: “And so the lion fell in love with the lamb…” he…”

Does Stephenie Meyer regret writing Twilight?

Meyer didn’t specifically mention any regrets about the way she had written the Twilight series, so it’s likely that her weariness of it has more to do with the stigma that is now associated with it.

What did Stephenie Meyer say about the first Twilight movie?

But despite the changes, Meyer believes that the first movie at least was true to the heart of the novel, as per Entertainment Weekly: “The characters were speaking the way they should and the heart was there. I could have watched it all night in a loop if I could have.”

What are the best quotes from the Twilight movies?

32. “I’m glad I amuse you.”. — Bella Swan. 33. “I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend.”. — Edward Cullen. 34. “This is the skin of a killer, Bella.”. — Edward Cullen.

Are there any scenes left out of Twilight?

Fans have pointed out that there were several details in the Twilight books that were left out of the movies. But, Stephenie Meyer herself revealed that there are also new scenes in the movies that she loves and wished she had included in the books.

What did Bella say to Edward in Twilight?

Bella says this quote to Edward, and he replies by saying, “ There’s one exception.” They both feel like they’ve found their soulmate and that they love one another on a deep, abiding level. This relationship and how intense they are about one another is why many people love the series.

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