What does jinn mean in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

What does jinn mean in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

Terms in this set (22) jinn refers to a supernatural creature. However, in the book, the word is also used to describe a seizure or spasm of some sort.

What is a jinn in Atss?

It’s notable that Nana refers to her medical condition as a jinn (which can be roughly translated as “genie” or “spirit”) because it shows how limited her own education has been. She’s obviously a perceptive woman, but she lacks the education to truly make sense of the things that happen to her.

What is the main message of A Thousand Splendid Suns?

The primary theme in the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns is the rights of women, especially under the Taliban. Mariam and Laila grow up during regimes that are not oppressive. Although Mariam’s father’s family pushes her into marriage with Rasheed, it is ultimately her choice to agree to marry him.

What does A Thousand Splendid Suns symbolize?

In this poem, he uses the phrase “a thousand splendid suns” to describe the beauty of Afghanistan and of its cultural achievements. In a sense, they are two of the “splendid suns” that the novel refers to, who refuse to yield to despair no matter how difficult and challenging the situations they face become.

Why did Nana not get married when she was 15?

Nana also tells Mariam the story of her first beau. When Nana was fifteen, she was to marry this man, but then the jinn came over her — a seizure that scared off her beau and any other potential suitors. This resentment is amplified in her story of Mariam’s birth.

What disorder did Mariam’s Nana have?

Nana’s depression and epilepsy make her a difficult parent but she tries to forearm Mariam by telling her, ” a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman. Always.” Mariam will remember this all her life.

When the jinn enters Nana’s body what happens to her?

Nana refers to the kolba as a “rathole.” When she was 15, Nana had been engaged to be wed to a parakeet seller in Shindand, but a week before the wedding, a jinn, or evil spirit, entered her body and she had seizures. Mariam has seen Nana in the throes of these seizures, and they are frightening.

What happens in the first part of A Thousand Splendid Suns?

Summary and Analysis Part 1: Chapter 1 As Mariam grows older, she learns her father has three wives and nine legitimate children. However, Mariam’s love for Jalil does not diminish, even after she learns he banished her mother after their affair resulted in a pregnancy.

What is the author’s purpose in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

Khaled Hosseini’s purpose is to show the hardships of women in Afghanistan and all they must endure in the household as well as society. At first, when the two women meet, Hosseini conveys the resistance between them, but they realize that there is no way they can survive without a trusted companion.

What is the conflict in A Thousand Splendid Suns?

A Thousand Splendid Suns depicts the conflict in Afghanistan through the lens of the country’s oppressed women. Yet, the novel actually breaks western stereotypes of Afghanistan by highlighting acts of resistance and bravery among its female characters.

Is Mariam responsible for Nana’s death?

Mariam tells him she feels responsible for Nana’s death. Mullah Faizullah tells Mariam that Nana had always been an unhappy person, and that her death was not Mariam’s fault.

What was the jinn that entered Nana’s body on the day before her wedding?

A jinn (a male genie) entered her body and made her have a seizure. The groom was afraid their children would also be cursed. Nana had an epileptic seizure and, because of superstition, the groom thought she was possessed. Nana had a stroke which left her face drooping on one side.

What is the significance of the jinn in a Thousand Splendid Suns?

Upon her mother’s death, the simplicity of her life in the kolba is completely overturned, and she is thrust into adulthood immediately with her quest for a new home. The significance of the “jinn”, which appears in this first section of the book, is twofold.

Who is the author of a Thousand Splendid Suns?

Essays for A Thousand Splendid Suns. A Thousand Splendid Suns is the second novel written by Khaled Hosseini. A Thousand Splendid Suns essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.

Who is Jalil in a Thousand Splendid Suns?

Between these two women is Jalil, whose true character is difficult to determine as he is seen only through the biased eyes of Mariam and Nana. To Mariam, he is the loving father who relieves the monotony of life with his weekly visits; to Nana he is the coward who would not stand by her after getting her pregnant.

Why was Nana’s wedding interrupted in a Thousand Splendid Suns?

Nana’s wedding is interrupted by a jinn, while Mariam’s meeting with Jalil never comes to pass. Additionally, Mariam’s insistence to attend school and Nana’s refusal is the beginning of a discussion about education for women that resonates throughout the novel.

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