What does the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987 cover?

What does the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987 cover?

An Act to regulate the supply, advertising and description of goods and services and, in certain respects, the disposal of interests in land; to repeal the Consumer Protection Act 1969 and certain other Acts; and for other purposes. This Act may be cited as the Fair Trading Act 1987.

What are the key provisions of the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987?

This Act constitutes the main law covering business behaviour in NSW. Under the Act, it is unlawful to make false claims about a product or service; Operate in a misleading or deceptive way, or in a way that is likely to mislead or deceive your customers.

What is the purpose of the Fair Trading Act?

The Fair Trading Act (FTA) exists to: promote fair competition. make sure consumers get accurate information before buying products and services. promote product safety.

What are fair trading laws and what is their role within the development and implementation of an operational plan?

When you sell a product or service, you must comply with fair trading regulations. When you buy a product or service, you have consumer rights and guarantees. Fair trading laws ensure that trading is fair for your business and your customers.

How does NSW Fair Trading protect consumers?

NSW Fair Trading promotes a fair marketplace for consumers and traders by maximising traders’ compliance with regulatory requirements. We safeguard consumer rights and investigate alleged breaches of the legislation we administer.

What is the Fair Trading Act 1987 NSW Wikipedia?

It investigates allegations of unfair business practices, and regulates goods sold in New South Wales. It also performs the administrative functions of registering business cooperatives and associations, and issuing occupational licences.

When did Fair Trading Act 1987?

FAIR TRADING ACT 1987 – As at 12 May 2021 – Act 68 of 1987.

Who administers the Fair Trading Act?

the Commerce Commission
30 days is regarded as a “reasonable time” for many goods by the Commerce Commission, which enforces the Fair Trading Act.

How does fair trading enforce compliance?

Fair Trading has a range of tools and powers available to support and enforce compliance. The key objective of this policy is to promote a high level of compliance with the law. We use a range of available remedies designed to promote behavioural change, stop ongoing breaches and achieve future compliance.

What does Fairtrade stand for?

For farmers and workers, Fairtrade means workers’ rights, safer working conditions and fairer pay. For shoppers it means high quality, ethically produced products. Choosing Fairtrade means standing with farmers for fairness and equality, against some of the biggest challenges the world faces.

When was Fair Trading NSW established?

Since the program was launched in 2009, we have held 87 building expos, attended by approximately 13,000 people. The Expos provide up-to-date information for builders, tradespeople and their business partners to help them understand their rights and responsibilities in the NSW residential building industry.

When did NSW Fair Trading Start?

What was the purpose of the Fair Trading Act 1987?

An Act to regulate the supply, advertising and description of goods and services and, in certain respects, the disposal of interests in land; to repeal the Consumer Protection Act 1969 and certain other Acts; and for other purposes. Part 1 Preliminary. 1 Name of Act. This Act may be cited as the Fair Trading Act 1987.

When did NSW Fair Trading Act come into effect?

Access Canberra administers the ACT Fair Trading Act 1992 and provides information on codes of practice and other business guides for traders. NSW Fair Trading administers the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987.

Who is responsible for Fair Trading in Australia?

Consumer Affairs Victoria administers the Australian Consumer Law and Fair Trading Act 2012. Forms and publications are available to help businesses understand fair trading. Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety administers the WA Fair Trading Act 2010.

Where can I find the Fair Trading Act?

Consumer Affairs administers the NT Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act 1990. You can find information on trader issues such as advertising, business tenancies, disposal of uncollected goods and product safety. The QLD Office of Fair Trading administers the QLD Fair Trading Act 198.

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