What happens if you get pregnant on Depo-Provera?

What happens if you get pregnant on Depo-Provera?

If you get pregnant while using Depo Provera, and decide to continue with your pregnancy, there is no additional risk of damage to the baby.

Is it bad to get pregnant while on Depo shot?

Although pregnancy during Depo-Provera use is rare, it does occur. These pregnancies are frequently unrecognized until beyond first trimester.

How would you know if you were pregnant while on Depo?

Women who get pregnant while using birth control may notice the following signs and symptoms:

  1. a missed period.
  2. implantation spotting or bleeding.
  3. tenderness or other changes in the breasts.
  4. fatigue.
  5. nausea and food aversions.
  6. backaches.
  7. headaches.
  8. a frequent need to urinate.

Can you fall pregnant while on the 3 month injection?

If you’re using the birth control shot correctly, which means getting it every 12-13 weeks (3 months), it’s highly unlikely that you’ll get pregnant. Only 6 out of 100 people get pregnant each year while using the shot.

How common is pregnancy on Depo?

Hormone implants cause pregnancy in less than 1 in 100 women. Due to its simplicity, she chose the hormone shot Depo-Provera, which requires injections every 12 weeks for optimal protection. Depo-Provera is 99% effective in preventing pregnancy, which means that 1 in 99 women will conceive while taking it.

How common is it to get pregnant on depo?

How can you get pregnant on the depo shot?

Here are some ways:

  1. Start taking a prenatal vitamin.
  2. Plan ahead and stop your depo shots well in advance of when you want to get pregnant.
  3. Exercise regularly, and eat a balanced diet to help increase your metabolism and maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Have regular, unprotected intercourse once you’re ready to conceive.

Has anyone ever got pregnant on Depo?

Only 1 out of 99 women get pregnant on Depo-Provera—and Olivia was one of them.

What are the signs of pregnancy on Depo?

The signs and symptoms of pregnancy, whether you are on depo provera or not is the same – misseds periods, nausea, vomiting, extreme fatigue, sore breasts etc.

How does Depo affect pregnancy?

While Depo Provera is not likely to affect the results of your pregnancy tests, it can very well affect your fertility in the first place. Users of Depo Provera for birth control report a marked increase in difficulties in getting pregnant in the future, after the shots have ceased.

How soon after Depo can you get pregnant?

However, some women become pregnant as soon as three to four months after stopping Depo-Prevera. The average time it takes to get pregnant after Depo-Provera is nine months, but it can take some women up to two years.

Can Depo Provera harm your baby?

Most doctors are in agreement that if a fetus is exposed to Depo Provera, there is some degree of risk that the drug can harm the unborn baby. This is because Depo Provera is considered a Category X Drug by the FDA.

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