What is DS 1 Standard?

What is DS 1 Standard?

Standard DS-1® is a global, industry-adopted standard for drilling and completions technology. Bureau Veritas developed the first edition of Standard DS-1® in 1992 to address the lack of industry standards for downhole drilling tools.

What is EMI tubing inspection?

It involves full length scanning of tubes using a coil to induce longitudinal field with a buggy type unit to detect transverse flaws in the material, which includes flaws such as fatigue cracks, corrosion, pits, cuts, gouges, and other damage that exceed the specified acceptance limits.

What is drill pipe inspection?

Drill pipe inspections are imperative to ensuring the drill pipe remains reliable and safe to use in operation. The inspection identifies when pipe or other drill stem elements must be repaired, reinforced or retired due to integrity issues.

What is API RP 7G?

API RP 7G-2, 2nd Edition, October 2020 – Inspection and Classification of Used Drill Stem Elements. This standard specifies the required inspection for each level of inspection, procedures for the inspection, and testing of used drill stem elements.

How many T1 are in a DS1?

A T1 line multiplexes or aggregates 24 of these DS0 channels into a DS1 with a total bandwidth of 1.536 Mbps.

What is a DS1 used for?

Digital Signal 1 (DS1, sometimes DS-1) is a T-carrier signaling scheme devised by Bell Labs. DS1 is the primary digital telephone standard used in the United States, Canada and Japan and is able to transmit up to 24 multiplexed voice and data calls over telephone lines.

What is OCTG pipe?

The term Oil Country Tubular Goods describes tubes that are used in oil and gas production: As a rule these include drill pipe, casing and tubing. Oil Country Tubular Goods are used both onshore and offshore. In the industry, they are also referred to by the acronym OCTG (for “Oil Country Tubular Goods”).

How many bits are in a DS1 frame time slot?

DS1 frame synchronization Frame synchronization is necessary to identify the timeslots within each 24-channel frame. Synchronization takes place by allocating a framing, or 193rd, bit. This results in 8 kbit/s of framing data, for each DS1.

Is DS1 a TDM?

DS1 is a digital signal level that is part of a standardized hierarchy or building blocks of digital services for TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) digital lines. A T1 line multiplexes or aggregates 24 of these DS0 channels into a DS1 with a total bandwidth of 1.536 Mbps.

What do you need to know about the DS-1 standard?

It covers drill pipe assemblies with aluminum tubes and shrink-fit steel tool joints, making sure your operation goes according to plan. Over the past twenty-five years, the Standard DS-1® has evolved from a simple drill stem inspection standard to the global reference for manufacture, design, and inspection of drill strings and specialty tools.

What is the DS-1 drill stem Inspection Standard?

Over the past twenty-five years, the Standard DS-1® has evolved from a simple drill stem inspection standard to the global reference for manufacture, design, and inspection of drill strings and specialty tools. As drilling technology changes, Bureau Veritas is committed to providing the best in technical standards to service the industry.

How are the standards developed by the API?

API standards are developed under API’s American National Standards Institute accredited process, ensuring that the API standards are recognized not only for their technical rigor but also their third-party accreditation which facilitates acceptance by state, federal, and increasingly international regulators.

When to use DS1 Category 5 drill string?

DS1 Category 5 is intended for drill string components that are to be used in extremely adverse conditions where the potential cost of failure is very large.

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