What are the PHP session and how do they work?

What are the PHP session and how do they work?

In PHP, a session provides a way to store web page visitor preferences on a web server in the form of variables that can be used across multiple pages. Unlike a cookie, variable information is not stored on the user’s computer.

What is a PHP session?

A PHP session is used to store data on a server rather than the computer of the user. Session identifiers or SID is a unique number which is used to identify every user in a session based environment.

How does PHP keep track of sessions?

The session functions keep track of users by issuing them cookies with a randomly generated session IDs. If PHP detects that a user doesn’t accept the session ID cookie, it automatically adds the session ID to URLs and forms.

Why session is required?

Why should a session be maintained? When there is a series of continuous request and response from a same client to a server, the server cannot identify from which client it is getting requests. Because HTTP is a stateless protocol. When there is a need to maintain the conversational state, session tracking is needed.

Why sessions are used in PHP?

Sessions are a simple way to store data for individual users against a unique session ID. This can be used to persist state information between page requests. Session IDs are normally sent to the browser via session cookies and the ID is used to retrieve existing session data.

How are sessions created?

Sessions are maintained automatically by a session cookie that is sent to the client when the session is first created. The session cookie contains the session ID, which identifies the client to the browser on each successive interaction. You can also edit the session-properties element in the server.

How do you start a PHP session?

To begin a new session, simply call the PHP session_start() function. It will create a new session and generate a unique session ID for the user. The PHP code in the example below simply starts a new session.

How do you enable PHP sessions?

Enable PHP Session State In Windows® Explorer, create the session subdirectory in the PHP installation directory. Right-click the session directory, and select Properties. In the Security tab, click Edit. Click Add, and enter IIS_IUSRS for Enter the object names to select. Click OK. Select the Modify permission check box, and click OK. Click OK in the Session Properties window.

How secure are PHP sessions?

PHP sessions are only secure as your application makes them. PHP sessions will give the user a pseudorandom string (“session ID”) for them to identify themselves with, but if that string is intercepted by an attacker, the attacker can pretend to be that user.

What is the session ID in PHP?

1) Near the beginning of the program a directive to start the session must be given. 2) To save any name-value pair they need to registered with the state data. 3) After the name-value pair has been registered, the value can be retrieved easily:

What is a session variable in PHP?

A session is a method of storing data (using variables) so the browser can use it throughout multiple webpages.

  • In contrast to cookies,the data is not kept on the user’s system.
  • Session variables contain data about the current user.
  • Session data is not permanent,but you can load permanent user data for particular users using databases.
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