What is a Lobulated ovary?

What is a Lobulated ovary?

1 Introduction. Lobulated ovaries are defined as ovaries divided into lobules by 1 or more cracks. To our knowledge, there were little about lobulated ovaries in the literature. In this article, we report a case of pathologically proven lobulated ovaries and demonstrate the ultrasound manifestations.

What does Calcification on ovary mean?

Calcification in ovary is usually dystrophic in nature, forming secondary to degeneration of the epithelium or in association with areas of necrosis. It may occur in cases of endometriosis or in some ovarian tumor eg. Fibrothecoma, Brenner’s tumor, cavernous hemangioma etc.

What does palpable ovary mean?

Although normal ovaries may be palpable during the pelvic examination in thin, premenopausal patients, a palpable ovary should be considered abnormal in a postmenopausal woman. If a patient is obese, palpating cysts of any size may prove difficult.

What is vascularity in ovaries?

Normal Ovarian Vascularity and Flow The ovary has a dual arterial blood supply, receiving oxygenated blood both from the aorta through the main ovarian artery and from adnexal branches of the uterine artery.

What is a lobulated cyst?

The lobulated cyst A peach has a cleft causing an indentation in the surface.

What are symptoms of ovary problems?

Other symptoms of ovarian tumors

  • Bloating or pressure in the abdomen.
  • Urgent need to urinate.
  • Indigestion.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Loss of appetite/feeling full.
  • Unintentional weight loss or gain in the stomach area.

What does calcification mean on ultrasound?

Calcifications are small deposits of calcium that show up on mammograms as bright white specks or dots on the soft tissue background of the breasts. The calcium readily absorbs the X-rays from mammograms. Calcifications typically don’t show up on ultrasounds, and they never show up on breast MRIs.

Can ovarian cysts calcify?

Mucinous cystic ovarian tumors sometimes contain calcifications, but the frequency and significance of such calcifications in diagnostic radiology are not well understood.

Is it possible to palpate ovaries?

In a thin, relaxed patient, it is usually possible to palpate normal ovaries in the adnexal region lateral and posterior to the uterus. In some patients, it may be difficult to feel normal ovaries.

Do ovarian cysts hurt when palpated?

Cysts in the ovary often don’t cause any symptoms. If they’re large, you may feel either a dull or sharp pain on one side of your pelvis or abdomen. You may also feel bloated, or a heaviness in your lower abdomen. If the cyst ruptures, you’ll feel a sudden, sharp pain.

What does increased vascularity in thyroid nodule mean?

It has been our experience that increased nodule vascularity and ill-defined borers are associated with malignancy in indeterminate thyroid nodules. This meta-analysis of published articles suggests, however, that increased vascular flow on Doppler sonography does not accurately predict thyroid nodule malignancy.

What is vascularity in ultrasound?

Vascular ultrasound is a noninvasive ultrasound method (also called a duplex study) used to examine the blood circulation in the arms and legs. Noninvasive means the procedure does not require the use of needles, dyes, radiation or anesthesia.

Is a focal marked hypoechogenicity within an isoechoic thyroid nodule?

Conclusion: Although a focal marked hypoechogenicity within an isoechoic nodule is usually benign, the peripheral location of a focal marked hypoechogenicity may be a malignancy. The histologic information obtained by CNB specimen may reduce the needs for repetitive fine needle aspirations or diagnostic surgery.

What does hypoechoic nodule look like on ultrasound?

Something with low echogenicity appears dark in the image and is called hypoechoic, while something with high echogenicity looks light and is called hyperechoic. A hypoechoic nodule, sometimes called a hypoechoic lesion, on the thyroid is a mass that appears darker on the ultrasound than the surrounding tissue.

What to do if you find a hypoechoic nodule on your thyroid?

If a hypoechoic nodule shows up on your ultrasound, your doctor will likely do some additional testing to figure out what’s causing it. Additional tests include: Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy. This is a simple in-office procedure that only takes about 20 minutes.

What’s the difference between hypoechoic and high echogenicity?

Something with low echogenicity appears dark in the image and is called hypoechoic, while something with high echogenicity looks light and is called hyperechoic.

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