What is Tumdo in Kalenjin?

What is Tumdo in Kalenjin?

Tumdo (initiation) The word for the initiation process is Tumdo deriving from the Kalenjin word for rituals (Tumdo, pl. Tumwek), in this case those specifically performed during initiation.

Are kalenjins circumcised?

Secret rituals and a secret language are the core aspect of the seclusion and circumcision, which used to be an important part of the lives of men and women alike.

What is the importance of initiation ceremonies?

Initiation ceremony brings the people together e.g. families, relatives and friends. Shedding of blood unites the initiate to the land and ancestors. Initiation ceremonies are looked at as occasion for prayers to God. Initiation helps to restructure the community through age sets/groups.

Are kalenjins Israelites?

The Kalenjin were later conquerors. Like the Israelites, who travelled northwards, the Kalenjin came southwards from Egypt. The Kalenjin story is nearly identical in many other ways to that of ancient Israel.

How do kipsigis call their god?

The Kipsigis believe in a supreme being, Asis (sun) who was also known as ‘Ingolo’ or ‘Ngolo’, and ‘Cheptabel’.

How many tribes are there in Kalenjin?

They number 6,358,113 individuals as per the Kenyan 2019 census. They are divided into 11 culturally and linguistically related tribes: Kipsigis, Nandi, Keiyo, Marakwet, Sabaot, Pokots, Tugen, Terik, Sengwer, Lembus, and Ogiek.

What is female initiation?

A female initiation rite is here defined as follows: it consists of one or more prescribed ceremonial events, mandatory for all girls of a given society, and celebrated between their eighth and twentieth years.

What is the purpose of Aboriginal initiation rituals?

What purposes are served by Aboriginal initiation rituals? They serve to awaken young people and identify with their totemic Ancestor, and at the same time, to redefine their social identity within the tribe.

Are Kikuyus Israelites?

While they practice a normative form of Judaism (similar to Conservative Judaism), they are not a recognized part of any larger Jewish group.

Are kalenjins ancient Egyptians?

The Kalenjins comes from Egypt. Even the Bible confirms the presence of the Sebei (Kalenjin) long time ago even before Abraham was born. Job 1:5 says “…and the Sabeans fell upon them and took them away.” Ezekiel also wrote about the Kalenjins (Sabeans), a sub-tribe of Ancient Egyptians.

What are Kalenjins known for?

The Kalenjin have been called by some “the running tribe.” Since the mid-1960s, Kenyan men have earned the largest share of major honours in international athletics at distances from 800 meters to the marathon; the vast majority of these Kenyan running stars have been Kalenjin.

What are Kipsigis known for?

The Kipsigis originated from the South Sudan region, and by the 19th century, they had settled in the Rift Valley. Traditionally they lived in Bomet and Kericho Counties. This terrain is known for its steep ridges, numerous rivers and streams, with hills and grasslands.

What are the main events of Kalenjin initiation?

Here are some excerpts from the book: There are several main events, rites of passage, in the life of a Kalenjiin. The first of these events was birth which included the naming ceremony. At this time one became a member of a family.

What happens at the initiation ceremony of a Mason?

The new Mason is led out of the room squaring his feet at all corners along the way. He is then instructed to Salute the WM with the Entered Apprentice Sign. The Entered Apprentice Mason leaves the room to get dressed and returns wearing his badge. The ceremony ends with the Charge after Initiation.

Where did the wands go after the Kalenjin ceremony?

This showed that the person had been present at that ceremony. All the sacred vines used in the ceremony would be buried on the dung heap after the initiate came out as an adult. The wands were kept on the roof of the house until burned. 2. Yaatitaaet

Where does the Entered Apprentice sit in a Masonic Lodge?

The Entered Apprentice is the first level of Masonry. The lodge is set up with 3 alters along the sides of the room and 1 in the middle. The Worshipful Master sits on the East end of the room along with the Chaplain and Senior Deacon.

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