When did Phil burn the Vic down?

When did Phil burn the Vic down?

2010: Peggy Mitchell’s crack-addled son Phil sets fire to the Queen Vic, having been imprisoned upstairs as a form of family-supervised cold turkey.

Who burned down the Queen Vic?

Fire starters The Queen Vic has suffered two major fires and both have been caused by a Mitchell brother. Grant set the pub alight in 1992 and Phil started the blaze in 2010.

Who burned the car lot in EastEnders?

Frank Butcher
Wiki Targeted (Entertainment) In Episode 950 (8th March 1994), Alan was burned to death in the car lot arson, instigated by Frank Butcher in an insurance scam, in which he asked Phil Mitchell to burn the lot.

Who set fire to Phils House?

Shirley hit Phil over the head, knocking him out – but after he had switched the cooker on, with the hob burning hot. A fire began after Janine threw a cardigan which landed on the hot surface and started to ignite – with the episode ending as the kitchen filled with smoke while Phil lay unconscious on the floor.

How many owners did Queen Vic have?

The Queen Vic is currently owned (for the second time) by Mick Carter and Linda Carter, after buying it from Sharon Watts, who got given the pub from Ian Beale. During the early years of the show, the Queen Vic had a partition wall down the middle of the bar, which separated it into two sections.

Who owned the Queen Vic the longest?

What do they use for beer on EastEnders?

EastEnders uses various made up alcohol brands to avoid Product Placement. The Queen Vic is notorious for serving Jenkins’ Lager, both on tap and in a bottle. There have also been other beers and ales shown.

Who set fire to the car lot the second time EastEnders?

However, on Christmas Eve that year, Pat runs over and kills a teenage girl and is later sentenced to six months in prison. Frank struggles alone and the Butchers end 1993 in financial ruin. In desperation, Frank asks Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) to set fire to his car lot so he can claim on insurance in March 1994.

What happened to the car lot in EastEnders?

In 1989 Pat and Frank Butcher opened a car lot on the site and called it Frank’s Autos. When Kevin died in 2008 Pat got it back and called it Pat Cars. The land and business was later sold to Jack Branning who then sold the business to Janine Butcher.

Who hit Phil Eastenders?

When Phil offers Sharon an increase of her salary, and a 19% stake in club, Jack is not pleased and punches Phil, who falls into the vehicle pit in the garage.

Who knocked Phil out Eastenders?

The storyline captivated the public’s imagination leading to thousands of bets being placed at the bookies across the UK — bookmaker William Hill said that around 50,000 bets were made on who was responsible. It was revealed on 5 April 2001 that Lisa Shaw (Lucy Benjamin) — Phil’s former girlfriend — was the culprit.

Is the Queen Vic a real pub?

In reality, Albert Square is based on the real Fassett Square in Hackney, but there is no pub there so The Queen Victoria is based on what was once College Park Tavern on Harrow Road in Harlesden. Initially, the pub’s exterior is first seen painted brown.

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