What is Pulvinate in botany?

What is Pulvinate in botany?

botany. a. shaped like a cushion. b. (of a leafstalk) having a pulvinus.

What is meant by Racemose?

Medical Definition of racemose : having or growing in a form like that of a cluster of grapes racemose glands.

What are Stipules in plants?

In botany, a stipule is an outgrowth typically borne on both sides (sometimes on just one side) of the base of a leafstalk (the petiole). (In some older botanical writing, the term “stipule” was used more generally to refer to any small leaves or leaf-parts, notably prophylls.)

What do Stipules mean?

: either of a pair of small, usually leaflike appendages borne at the base of the petiole in many plants.

What is Cymose type of inflorescence?

The cymose inflorescence is also known as determinate inflorescence and is characterized by the presence of a flower at the apex of the floral axis. The lateral axis terminates into a flower and limits the growth of the axis. Flowers are arranged in basipetal succession in this type of inflorescence.

What is Pedicellate flower?

A flower which bears a stalk or pedicel is called as a pedicellate flower e.g. Hibiscus, Rose. A flower which is borne directly on the stem is called to be a sessile flower. It is devoid of a stalk. Examples are sunflower florets, Sisyrinchium.

What are stipules used for?

Purpose of stipules It is known that foliaceous stipules are used like leaves to make energy for the plants. Sometimes stipules protect the next leaf or bud as it grows in then falls off after the leaf unfolds, as with Tulip Poplars. Stipules can be used as climbing tendrils by climbing plants.

Do all leaves have petioles?

Not all leaves have petioles. In some plants, leaves are attached directly to the plant stem. These types of leaves are called sessile leaves. Sub petiolate leaves are the type of leaves that hold an extremely short petiole and may appear sessile.

Do all plants have stipules?

No stipules are not present in all kind of cell. They can be inconspicious or entirely absent. HOPE IT HELPS YOU!!!!

What is stalk leaf?

The petiole is a stalk that attaches a leaf to the plant stem. In petiolate leaves, the leaf stalk may be long, as in the leaves of celery and rhubarb, short or completely absent, in which case the blade attaches directly to the stem and is said to be sessile.

What is cymose inflorescence explain with an example?

What is Cymose Inflorescence? Ans. In this type of inflorescence, the young flower buds are at the bottom, and the older ones are at the top. Some cymose inflorescence examples are night jasmine, Drosera, common European elder etc.

How Cymose is different from Racemose?

The main difference between racemose and cymose inflorescence is that the flowers are borne laterally and the main floral axis continues to grow in the racemose inflorescence, whereas in the cymose type, flowers are borne terminally on the floral axis and the main axis shows limited growth.

Which is the best definition of the word pulvinate?

Raised or convex, denoting a form of surface elevation of a bacterial culture. 1. Shaped like a cushion. 2. Botany Having a swelling at the base. Used of a leafstalk. 3. pulvinated Architecture Having a convex face or profile: a pulvinated frieze.

What are the different types of pulvinate rocks?

The pillow length differs from centimeters to meters, and the rocks appear either pulvinate or spherical, spherical, ellipsoidal, cylindrical, tubular and kidney-shaped, with pillow, vesicular, almond-like and breccia structures. which are pulvinate chamaephytes having cushion forms and spines.

What kind of stromata does pulvinate have?

It is characterized by effused, applanate to pulvinate blackish stromata with brown tones when young, inconspicuous up to 1/4 exposed perithecial mounds; ostiolar truncatum-type discs; amyloid apical rings and brown ellipsoid-inequilateral ascospores with straight germ slits spore-length and dehiscent perispore in KOH.

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